

Responses from bradz

Amps for ESL
I use the Innersound esl amp to drive Magnepan 1.6 and love the effortless sound. Paul Seydor, a reviewer for The Absolute Sound, reviewed the Innersound esl amp with Quad speakers in the February 2001 issue. Here is a link to the review: http://i... 
Should I upgrade?
Thanks guys for the responses. I am indeed using BDR cones under all of my equipment currently and find that they really help. My Innersound esl amp is the middle version with the power switch on the front. I just talked to a gentleman with Inners... 
to retube or not
Are you using the supplied factory power adapter? If so, I'd suggest changing to a 12 vac @ 4.5 amp adapter (part # 56-821) from www.hosfelt.com for $7.95! After removing the factory power supply and using the hosfelt power supply in its place, I ... 
Basic Room treatment for Maggie 1.6QR's
Here is a link for magnepan tweaks: http://www.integracoustics/MUG/MUG/tweaks/index.html . The audioasylum planar speaker forum has great info for magnepans. 
Signal cables...analog 1 or 2?
Thanks for all of the responses so far. How would you describe the difference between the 1 and 2 Bob Gates? 
Tube dampers?
Another vote for the HAL-O. I can't say enough about the dampers and the service provided by Herbie! 
How does the Jolida JD-100 compare to...
Meant to say above...how does the jolida compare to the audio aero prima or the new cary 308t cdp? 
How does the Jolida JD-100 compare to...
....the jolida to a Audio Aero Prima or the new Cary 308t. There have been many favorable reviews of these two players although I know they cost a bit more than the Jolida. 
Tweaks for a Musical Fidelity X10-D tube buffer?
What dvd player can you recommend? I'm using the sony for video playback only as I'm also using a Cary303/100 cdp for audio. 
Exact Power EP15A/SP15A vs. PS Audio Power Plants
You might want to address member chichiuno about your question. He use to carry PS Audio products but has since then replaced them with the exact power products. Good luck! 
Black glass KenRad 6SN7s take the cake
Has anyone used the Ken Rad's in a Rogue 99 pre and how would the KR's compare to the Russian nos 6sn7's in my 99 pre currently? 
MMG XO upgrades/bi amping/binding post swap ??
You might want to consider posting this question over at www.audioasylum.com under the catagory planar speakers. 
Loudspeakers that match well w/Bryston B-60?
I've read and have heard that the B-60 mates very well with maggie mmg's all the way up to around the 1.6's. You might want to post this same question over on audioasylum under planar forum or speaker forum and see what they say. Good luck and kee... 
Suggestion for Amp to 2 ohm loads?
Also meant to say that the Innersound is stable into a .5 ohm! 
Suggestion for Amp to 2 ohm loads?
Innersound esl amp delivers 600 watts into a 4 ohm load. I'm using the esl amp to drive my maggie 1.6's with great results! Check it out at www.innersound.net.