
Responses from braro

A brutal review of the Wilson Maxx
My dealer was in business with Hardesty years ago and If Im not mistaken he mentioned that Hardesty uses Vandersteen 5As with Theta. FWIW. 
VTL MB 185 Signature any Good or Bad Comments
Rocc1007 - I have not heard the CJ but I ran VTL MB 125s in my system for about 4 years. I never had any problems with the VTLs whatsoever. IMO VTLs are extremely reliable. The bias did not drift but if it does it is very easy to adjust. I tried t... 
speaker with good low level detail
Umn - The Totems look good but at 85 db they seem like they would be hard to drive. Would 125 tube watts be enough for higher levels say 80-85 db in a larg room? Mostly they will be used at much lower levels but Im sure I will want to crank em up ... 
Supratek Cabernet vs Aesthetix Callisto Sig?
Mem916 - Im near Seattle and use a Supratek Chennin. Im not sure how close the Chennin and Cabernet are in performance though. 
Can HI FI components really make music?
pre-amp with home theatre pass through
Supratek. Mick will build it to your spec. Be prepered for a wait unless you pick one up used. Not much cheaper used though. 
Can HI FI components really make music?
I'm back in the game and happy to report getting some very good sound. No, its not perfect but its damn good. I replaced the VTL mb125s with Parasound JC 1s. Every aspect of the sound has improved dramatically. Well, the midrange was a little swee... 
Single ended to XLR adapter
Whoaru99 - Great Idea. A buddy of mine just suggested it also. I will try it. After I get the cable I will report back any difference in sound quality. So far the single ended connection is sounding pretty darned good.Thanks 
Single ended to XLR adapter
Rbes - Your Ill Mitch arent you! Im a big fan. Punch while rap was great. 
Single ended to XLR adapter
Bignerd 100- Thats what I thought also. But many Jc-1 owners swear they sound much better with balanced connection. Bob Crump of CTC builders (one of the JC1 designers) also claims they do sound better balanced. I guess what Im getting at is; If t... 
Can HI FI components really make music?
Just wanted to give everyone an update. After much tweaking I have come to the conclusion that HI FI just wont do what I want. Im going to sell everything and build a small, simple system for background music. No more critical listening. I will be... 
Can HI FI components really make music?
Cdc, I think we are on the same page now. When I made the comment about me being inexperienced I meant just that. It was not dirrected at you in the least. Sorry for the confusion and thanks again for the advice. 
Can HI FI components really make music?
Cdc I was reffering to your comment. "Wow, you say this speaker sucks". I am just trying to clarify that I think they are good for the money but I am to a point where I realize no comination of "hi fi" components and recorded media is ever going t... 
Can HI FI components really make music?
Newbee, I have switched everything in my system around trying to figure out where the channel varriation is coming from. Im fairly certain its the room. Not all frequencys are different in the same way. I dont have the chart in front of me so thes... 
Can HI FI components really make music?
C5150, I dont see any reason to get rid of everything if a few inexpensive tweaks will get me close to where I want to be. If I can get say 75% of the way there I think I will be quite happy. Especially after realizing its never going to sound lik...