Responses from brianlucey
SST Son Of Ampzilla II vs Parasound A21 or A23+ @soix thank you. i need balanced ins. A21, A23+ or SOA II | |
SST Son Of Ampzilla II vs Parasound A21 or A23+ Have you actually heard the 23+? I have no faith in the 21+ yet the 23+ seems like a nice upgrade on paper. | |
SST Son of Ampzilla ii power amp Has anyone heard the SST SOA II vs Parasound A21 or A23+ ? Thank you | |
Allnic Audio A-6000 vs Pass XA 30.8 Thanks @steakster I will investigate Modest levels in a modest room 94 sensitivity. The amps are wired straight to the mid range drivers. Not much power is needed on these speakers w class d amps on the dual 15s @audphile1 . 30W a side is p... | |
Help me spend $100,000 on a new system There's no way to purchase a complete system for someone else, best thing would be spend a little of that money to make a dedicated listening room, and I would do that with double layer drywall and green glue between the layers. Measure the room ... | |
What is meant exactly by the description 'more musical'? Musical is a qualitative term not a quantitative measure. | |
"I'm a believer" Everything in high end has diminishing returns, DACs, cables, speakers are just part of it. | |
I Cried Today Lovely post, may John's memory be a blessing to his family and friends, and thanks to you to everyone here as well :) | |
Steely Dan UHQR Bernie is being honest, not spinning anything. What he’s talking about is pushing the mids for radio limiters of the day and not too much low end for older turntables and the cartridges of the day, plus limited speaker response below 100 hz. Add t... | |
Has anyone bought the Psvane Acme 300B Vacuum Tube? Allnic A-6000 monos running 8 x 300B XLS for 12 hours a day for many years with no issues ... and light wear on the tubes (Amplitrex AT-1000 tested). How do the 1980/2000s or modern Western Electric 300Bs compare to BXLS? | |
Immersive Audio and How to Achieve It @kota1 100% of people don't prefer anything, I don't care if it's chocolate over nuts or sex over being alone, and I certainly don't prefer live music to being in my studio. your approach is not good for the format that you're trying to be goo... | |
Immersive Audio and How to Achieve It @kota1 A. I have 50 ch of analog processing and that is NOT an analog immersive setup. B. There is no contest between stereo and atmos/spatial, they are parallel deliverables, so please leave me out of your agenda :) My stereo speakers are Evoluti... | |
Magico's M9 @pennfootball71 what you’re saying is that they chose to make a speaker for $25,000 that’s not very good because the cabinet cost 20,000, but they didn’t choose to make one for 30 or 35,000 instead that would’ve actually been good? None of this ma... | |
Magico's M9 Having heard the Magico A5 only, is was not worth the ask. | |
$50k - $80k Budget…Opinions please. Obvious idea is redo what you had ! Alternatively, do what I use here for mastering every style daily. Evolution MM3 +Exact (used $23,000 +Exact), Allnic Audio A-6000 linear tube amps (used $10,000). DA options are Berkley Audio Design Ser III, B... |