
Responses from buckingham

Rogue Tempest or Jolida JD1000A Integrateds?
WOW this thing rules 
Speakers with bass response?
I was in your position a couple of months ago. I had some B&W bookshelf speakers and wasn't happy with the bass response. Get an all-in one box speaker, don't go the sub route. You will be happier with stereo bass than just a sub. There are to... 
Isolation Sand Boxes
Sean, good news, I've cryogenically frozen my Florida sand and it just blows away the Diagrit series! Give it a try if you have any buddies with a Cryo chamber. 
Monoblocks or Bi-Amp
Well Lwin, that makes lots of sense. Well all the high end guys have monoblocks, so that seems to be where it's at.Something to shoot for next term. Thanks for all your suggestions everybody. 
Monoblocks or Bi-Amp
Why is it better to have shorter speaker cables than shorter IC's?? 
Seeking advice re: complex power conditioning
In your situation I would just get the PS Power Plant, 600 or largest model. With Multiwave of course. 
CD - upgrade, replace used, buy new?
Hey, I have the EAD U2000. I picked it up for 1000 and it just killed the Musical Fidelity A3 CD player that I had before it. RE Marakanetz's comments about the DSP7000, you'd probably be very happy with the sound of this DAC. But like the others ... 
Best Place Online For Upgrade Electrical Outlet
I would get the Hubbell with the isolated ground. Not sure where to find online, but any local electrical shop would have them. 
French CD players' sound ?
Everybody I have talked to wants the Audio Aero Capitole 24/196. I would also take a look at the Metronome products ie CD 2V. 
Rega Radio vs. Creek T-43 vs. used?
And you've heard all of the the above-mentioned models??? 
Monoblocks or Bi-Amp
Hey guys, I've decided to stick with the integrated for a while and move up to the monoblocks and preamp in a few months when this term is done.... Probably after exams are over. Thanks for all your help, very knowledgeable Ezmeralda11, great info. 
Rega Radio vs. Creek T-43 vs. used?
I agree. Go with Magnum Dynalab all the way! I started with the FT11, upgraded to FT101a, and now I have the 2001 Etude model. HUGE improvements in each upgrade. 
Seeking advice re: complex power conditioning
Re; PCTower's comments, I was considering the PS Audio P300 then decided to get the Virtual Dynamics power cords instead. Enough said. 
Monoblocks or Bi-Amp
Hey Tim,Here's a few reviews for the Cliffhanger Audio speakers:http://www.soundstage.com/revequip/das13.htmhttp://www.soundstage.com/revequip/cliffhanger_bulldog_followup.htmhttp://www.audio-ideas.com/reviews/loudspeakers/cliffhanger.html 
Isolation Sand Boxes
Grungle,I'm actually using Silentra's Diagrit series! I first used the NORMAL sand that I had brought home with me from Florida, then I decided I would upgrade. Like you said overall the presentation was much finer grained than with the regular no...