Responses from bvdiman
Lots of detail, great imaging, not much bass? B-limo,Just wondering, why not simplify system since moving into smaller quarter?Get an excellent quality integrated amp with tone controls ~ (adjust bass as you wish) + loudness boost (for late night/low level listening) + built-in headphone amp ... | |
Lots of detail, great imaging, not much bass? Milpai, he doesn't want ton. Few kg's are enough. ;) | |
Lots of detail, great imaging, not much bass? Hi B_limo,As Milpai implied, you'll first have to work to getting good gain from your system (generally, avoid passives) - this will enable your system to open up/come to live better with just minimal volume.Then, look for well balanced speakers/m... | |
Interconnect Cables for Pre-and Power amp Here's one worthwhile checking. IMHO, close to top tier performance at low/mid-end price. Musical yet highly neutral wire is how I'd describe them. If your equipments have it, they will simply deliver. | |
Audiophile Balanced XLR Y Cables Sorry, I'll clarify. Was actually editing when your post came in Peter..Not the +- of the cable, but I am relating more to the equipments. If one happens to be using a mix of differently balance configured equipments, better to spec'd and have fac... | |
Audiophile Balanced XLR Y Cables Check out FM Acoustics PIT (Precision Interface Technology). Top sounding no-frills cable, and relatively cheap.*Note that FMA's standard of b... | |
Tidal Speakers owners Personally, I'd rather keep things nice and simple..Want/need more bass, simply get bigger models up. When you hit ceiling with flagship pair, and found them insufficient still, I'd be looking at other viable options. Four tower solution just not ... | |
Tidal Speakers owners A highly musical Piano Diacera set-up, imo. Hope Georgemg don't mind us sharing it here.Prove that it doesn't have to be Tidal everything to make it work.. Well perhaps if a dealer I'd too say otherwise. | |
Franco Serblin R.I.P. What happens to Ktema? Harris4crna! They sure look beautiful and sounded great.. Even the smaller ones too are nice. I used to own Strads for couple of years. Make sure to post some pics and impressions.. Enjoy! | |
Siltech cables. Help to recognize originals. Why waste time with fakes when there are myriad of other brands to suit every taste and pocket. | |
Siltech cables. Help to recognize originals. Impressions by an Audiophile Society gathering... | |
What time do you wear? Amazing that this thread has been continuing for more than 12yrs..Time sure flies, savor them! ;) | |
What time do you wear? Hi Brian, it's been 3yrs! hope all is well..After all these years for me it's still Audemars Piguet, Richard Mille mostly..Same old pieces, just thought of posting link to some of the images here : | |
Avalon Compas The drivers configuration in Compas looks similar to that of Contriva ~ albeit Avalon seems to be using the smaller Diamond tweeters (25mm instead of 30mm). Also 4,5" BCC mids instead of 7"s.Been enjoying my BCC Contriva for over two years now.. A... | |
Differences between Accuphase C-2820 and C-3800? Hi Dave,Agree.. That I come to think of it, yes the 268 is definitely silly money and cost wise not in proportion with the rest of my system.. ;P But I just can't seem able to rid it yet for what they do so well (linearizing). Rendering all my pre... |