Responses from celtic66
McIntosh and focal/jmlab Love the Focals......the Mac.....not so much. Hey, if it works for you well then okay. At a very attractive price should mean about 5K new. For that much there are great options with better resolution and sound staging. The new Luxman integrated u... | |
My $99.00 System Garage sale Harman Kardon 830? receiver with small Infinity speaks for about that. Later added Toshiba discman. | |
Small-ish Speakers That Come Alive At Low Volume I'm listening to my Coincident monitors which are very efficient and resolve at low volumes. | |
Best budget speakers for near-field/small space Audio Refinement Complete or Exposure integrateds with Proac Tablette 50 or other small monitor model. | |
need to get a power conditioner Own the Furman and it works well. Everything is strangely better as the background is quieter and music more dynamic. I've no idea why and would have just as soon sent it back for refund within the trial period.I run a Sugden 21SE CD player, Audio... | |
Can a new Cambridge 540p be so loud? What are you running the Cambridge 540p through? | |
Subwoofer recommendations for Spicas TC-60's? Just to go in another direction, I would first dig into the Spicas and upgrade crossover components and internal wiring. Did this with a pair of TC 50s and they were incredible. Tightened and deepened the bass considerably. Opened up the mids and ... | |
amp for Usher speakers Exposure 2010S integrated. Something about this amp sounds very good. | |
What speaker cables for vintage equipment Clip the spades off and use bare wire. It will sound better anyway. | |
NAD 7140 VS Nakamichi TA 2A The old trick with older NAD pieces was to immediately replace the pre out/amp in steel jumpers with interconnects/jumpers which immediately delivered a very palpable improvement. | |
Let me hear your rig. Mickey Hart Planet DrumBenjamin Button SoundtrackJohn Renbourn Maid in BedlamRob Roy SoundtrackMelody Gardot My One and Only ThrillMichael Hedges TaprootBrandon Marsalis Trio JeepyMiles Davis remastered XRCD 50s discsAll MA recordings | |
Bookshelf speakers with the good bass. So with no mention of amplification, I feel the recommendations are a bit blind. Perhaps you've great amplification, but if not, improved will aid in structure and depth. Also, your source and cabling all influence. Massed stands?I've listened to ... | |
Who Are the Best Young Lions of Jazz Today? Stefon Harris, Harry Allen | |
Any vintage tuners with a small footprint? English made ONIX. | |
Mini Monitors for Rotel RA-1520 Integrated Spendor and Acoustic Energy speakers tend to have great low level resolution and do not need to be pushed hard to resolve. They of course do midrange and vocals very well. |