Responses from celtic66
Top 5 recievers of the 70's and 80's ???? Hands down the Luxman 1120A. Sorry, but I've either owned or listened to much of what is talked about in the previous posts and for musicality, power, tuner section, phono section, it's Luxman. Still easily valid today against most equipment. | |
Extreme low budget amp w phono & "reputation"? Know you said new. But used you can find an original Rega Brio integrated with phono for about $250-300. Great amp. | |
Coincident Triumph vs. Zu Druid Own the Coincident Triumph TRS Signature and they are accurate and with great musical texture. Listen to acoustic jazz, blues and celtic. They are particularly good with vocals and acoustic instruments. Very quick attack. Image well and provide ex... | |
m22 vs. atom Okay. First go to Office Max and spend $1.50 on blue poster tack as the Blu Tac is grossly over priced. Second. I've owned Paradigm Atoms and Axiom. You've done fine. Good trick is to open them up and pack the corners with rope caulking from Home ... | |
Very inexpensive speakers for a 2nd system Mission M 72. This is a very overlooked speaker. | |
Best Audiophile Dealer in Greater Portland OR Echo Hifi, Stereotypes. | |
Audio Dealers in Greater Portland OR Area Stereotypes (503.280.0910) new store by Terri Inman is nicest in the area with great lines. Echo Hifi (888.248.echo) is also great, just a very different market. Done business with both for years. | |
Budget Tuner Recommendations Onkyo T-9 is cheap and very good. | |
Speakers with high WAF? Sonus Faber. | |
Need some $500 & under Amp recommendations NAD is very decent. My take is this is a two channel rig. I've owned the Atoms and they really liked my then Rega Brio. Bit warmer than the NAD and of course you could upgrade to a newer and/or larger Rega integrated. Construction is substantial a... | |
Afro-Cuban Jazz Tito Puente, Dizzy Gillespie, Poncho Sanchez, Eddie Palmieri, Mongo Santamaria. All had/have stellar careers in this genre. | |
"Original Jazz Classics" In regards to this issue, a friend and I who trade great jazz and blues all of the time say to each other "it's the music stupid". So while I appreciate your pain when trying to listen through bad recordings as we all suffer, sometimes one does ha... | |
is there a stereo blue book for value of old gear Orion Blue Book issued each year. Used versions sometimes available here. | |
Woofer on top? Many Mission models to include the M70, M71, M72 have this design and sound fine. No hard and fast rules with tweeter placement. | |
Old powercord Change entire cord, hardwire through chassis. |