Responses from celtic66
Be nice to nOobs Don't know your style of communication. I always state my offer, USPS money order sent 1st class mail, expect ground UPS or FedEx and state my zip code so they can calculate shipping costs and accept/reject offer. It's clean, staight ahead and rec... | |
Best used DVD Player...Not interested in Blue R... Oppo DV981HD, yessss!!!!! Unbeatable for money. | |
DAC Noob - seeking suggestions The $300 is for the DAC only, right? Suggest Assemblage 2.0 HDCD with upgrade or Adcom 700. These are solid designs and very analog sounding for price range. Also the Scott Nixon is very good. | |
Element Cables vs Signal Cable Understand the subjectivity of this game, but Signal Cable has racked up 1066 positive hits, no negative and I don't think it's manufactured. I own the product and find them a great value compared to a plethora of cables I've owned from Cardas to ... | |
Burning cd's for my modestly high-end system... Must respectfully disagree with the "CDs are CDs" claim. Stick with name brand such as TDK, Maxell, Sony, Fuji, Imation, etc. Office Depot, Memorex and those of the ilk are prone to error and will miss track and pop more readily. And they do sound... | |
A great SS integrated with a good phono stage? Onix (English models) and Exposure both make very good musical, non-aggressive integrateds with plenty of current. The phono sections are very decent. The Tandberg is also very good, some had reliability issues. Luxman integrateds from the 80s are... | |
Any high-efficiency bookshelf spkrs Own the Coincident UHS TRS Signatures they are very detailed and musical. Listened a great deal to the DiCapos and they are also very good, image well. Either is very good. | |
christmas music I don't mean to be offensive, but you have to know this site has some heavy hitters and throwing out Andy Williams......well. This seems like schlock, when there is so much great Christmas music out there, well performed and produced. Try some gre... | |
Why are LCDs more popular than plasma? These are broad statements, but the better LCDs tend to be brighter than plasma as the glass front tends to be a duller image in brighter light applications such as sunlight streaming through a window. | |
Pet audiophile peeves - name yours Expensive Life-Style audio, poor performance and lots of cash for the marketer. We all know who they are. | |
James Randi vs. Anjou Pear - once and for all The earth is flat I tell you!! I've seen it with mine own eyes!! | |
Loud bad noises Laser is most likely dying. | |
What determines the volume of a Turntable? Should work fine. Output is combination of cartidge mV and phono amplification sent to preamp. | |
Modify Oppo 980 or add External DAC? I own the Oppo and feel it's grand for what it is. However, it is a $200 machine, thus the transport assembly cannot be too expensive and all other parts surrounding it must be cheap. I would not drop hundreds into a mod on this unit as it may fai... | |
Any way to tell if stylus is chipped? Microscope time. |