
Responses from chadnliz

Setup CD + SPL for Vandersteen Quatro
You have to use the analog meter per Richard Vandersteen as I just spoke with him last week, my dads wood Quatro's have been moved into a new home so I am going to tune them soon. I am gonna use the Stereophile test disc I have aswell. Richard tol... 
What is overkill for Vandersteens?
I cant think of a reason you would need both, att hat power the only thing 2 will do is help you get over manhood issues you may or may not have lol 
Shakti Stones Do they actuall work guys.
try kidney stones, everything sounds better after passing one. 
Serious Addiction to Gear
wait is this really for "your friend" or is this a cry for help lol?You should see guys on Audiokarma that collect anything found at a thrift or found in a dumpster, if its cheap or free they take it no matter what! 
Does anyone actually make a processor that works
I dont see all that many problems (I own Projector, 7.1 surround seperates and do HD formats) yea some have handshake issues and so fourth but I wouldnt expect to have problems. Anthem, Lexicon are great on the Higher end, Rotel, Parasound in the ... 
sot sapphire vs vpi scoutmaster
I dont know, I have the Star/Saphire and my dad has the Scoutmaster and I like them both but I think the SOTA is a bit more musical or relaxed which in my system works but either way your gonna enjoy the ride. 
Cleveland, OH
Marty give me a call please, thanks! Chad 
Help is problem processor or BD?
I would think its the disc, try another to verify. 
First Plasma/LCD purchase ever - a few questions..
Like I said "Dont buy warranty" its a fluke that soemthing goes bad just before warranty expires, 99% of the time a failure will happen very soon after purchase or not at all and I am far from the only one to believe this. If things indeed failed ... 
Loudspeakers with a wide sweet spot
Vandersteen Quatro have a nice big sweetspot. 
First Plasma/LCD purchase ever - a few questions..
Dont buy open box, dont buy warranty and dont buy the BS about calibration, the amount spent doesnt justify it and as long as you like how it looks who cares. Next and last is never NEVER listen to anyone at BestBuy..........too many of them are i... 
How is your power bill?
Nothing changes no matter how its sloganed. 
How is your power bill?
Hmmmm, I was talking about you but you can take it that way if you wish. All the same I doubt you would bow to a Saudi King, take over control of major banks and industry nor explore the Cap and trade scam so you may get my vote, you may tell folk... 
How is your power bill?
Anyone smart enough to be President would never think they actaully should be President............the smartest dont have that Dueschebag superiority defect or level of arrogance that feeds us leaders like we have had and do have today. 
How is your power bill?
Before attacking Obama,those of you who do should search your own souls. You sound like people who do not seem very sensitive about the environment or the impact they might have on it. Bush grievously damaged this country, militarily,environmental...