
Responses from chadnliz

NAD T775 vs Rotel RSX-1560
Rotel has better options for speakers like tone controls for all surrounds, better bass mgmt aswell. I went with Rotel over NAD as it had more adjustments, as far as sonics neither is worlds away from the other so it boils down to features and eve... 
Is the nicest television a computer ?
I think its BS but I like my Projector anyway so what do I care? 
Home theater pass-through unnecessary?
If you make that mistake you will learn from it and not do it again and hopefully not have any expense from it. If your smart it wont be an issue, mute your stuff whenever you are useing other gear and use common sense, it wil be just fine! 
2 channel & h/t question?
Dont worry about apss through if you dont have it or cant afford it, that can be worked around by a reference volume level as noted above. I just dont want you to get wrapped up in HT bypass as I went that way for years before I had the feature. 
2 channel & h/t question?
While only you can decide if a dual use or truely dedicated system is right for you, you do have options. Leave your system as is and add either a reciever WITH pre-outs for mains that would run into empty input n your current pre (then you just n... 
Which separates would you choose Adcom v Anthem?
Anthem, and I own Rotel and Lexicon but Anthem is a step above, ofcourse you gotta pay for it. 
Best Interconnects for ARC gear
AQ X3, My father runs them with his Ref3 
Using two center channel LCR speakers for stereo
If a speaker is an LCR then the company in theory has made it optimized for both applications and thus its name. Placement of them will not be all Horizontal though. 
I could cry
btw that was a joke, I am a cat lover but no liberal dueshbag with a cause. 
I could cry
You locked the Cat in the room, maybe we should kill you? 
Center channels: why only horizontal arrays?
Its just more practical for the average consumer,I have tried them both ways and for a center application there is often no huge difference worth worrying about in sound quality. 
who needs a cd player anymore
To say Ipoda and the like are all crap shows you dont really know what can be done with this technology, it can be and often is fantastic, new download technology can even surpase what the redbook cd can do. Its more about the fact many dont want ... 
'In Home Dealers' are the future?
Bearotti, maybe take that $50k and multiply by 4 then find dealers you wish to carry that dont already have a market presence in your area then figure out what sort of inventory or product minimum representation they demand you carry, multiply tha... 
'In Home Dealers' are the future?
While I like and as many know champion dealers who have commercial stores I do also enjoy and see the benefit of home based dealers, its not about fair or unfair its about a shift in audio that many times cant justify the full blown commercial app... 
who needs a cd player anymore
Well 3000 songs is hardly alot of music in these circles and in fact is somewhat of a starter collection so when you get to 1000, 3000, or 10,000 cd's in your collection and look at expense of storage, risk of potential loss of data and give up ho...