
Responses from chadnliz

Off brand hdtv sets.....
You get what you pay for is right, also look at the specs on some of these off brand entry level models.........anything under 5000.1 contrast is a out and out joke if you ask me, look on Walmart's site and you see these $900 models with 1000.1. 1... 
Chime in.What's the Best Cassette Recorder ever ?
The first CD recorder ever made......then they just got better and better from there :) 
PS3 or DVD1800BD
I dont know why so many insist even argue the PS3 is a great (and some say greatest) Blu Ray player out there, sure if you like games and the storage its a good option. I have never felt a all in one box is better than a dedicated unit designed to... 
Audiophiles get NO respect
even many ugly people think they are hot and love is blind, so careful what you wish for! 
Audiophiles get NO respect
If you have been to an Audio show you would know the guy is right far too often, while there are many many intelligent well adjusted looking folks there you will also see some pretty nerdy looking spaz's too! Not only are these folks not blessed w... 
Need speaker advice for new Rotel system
Man some used Vandy 3A speakers with the Vandy sub or subs would be awesome, pretty much like a Quatro without the bass EQ feature! Its pretty easy to promise you would be very happy! 
Guitar's...what do the audionuts play?
Guitar Hero lol! 
Your Best HiFi DVD
Government Mule "Tale of 2 cities" is a pretty good double disc, I dunno about true drooling lip sound but a great band and great concerts. 
Need speaker advice for new Rotel system
Vandersteen needs to be looked into...its a grown ups speaker for music lovers and not audiphile tail chaser's. First order, minimal baffle, time and phase accurate...they will sound most likely more musical than most any speaker listed here, BW w... 
Need speaker advice for new Rotel system
Yup if you see Rotel being played at a store or at a show its almost always with BW speakers but there has been no bad ideas here yet.........add Vandersteen to the list if you want time, phase accurate speakers with 1st order crossovers and real ... 
Vandersteen 7 Flagship at CES
"Trying to remember?" Come on they ARE a great speaker that only Alzheimers could erase a memory of.....make no mistake you are a lucky man Sonofjim! Richard has and always will be one of the most stand up guys in the business, armchair quaterback... 
How to get Dolby Prologic IIx to work with my 4308
Some units need you to setup the speakers to tell it your going 7.1, otherwise it wont output. Also default surround modes may need clarified as IIX. 
Local dealer cuts store in half says audio is dead
Wow, I never would hope for failure and perhaps he never had enough of a relationship with you to extend service you expect......maybe you just rub eachother the wrong way or something else is not being told here but it doesnt sound like it matter... 
Coincident Victory or Eminent Tech LFT8
E.T. is a great speaker but these are such different animals its hard to make a good recomendation. One is conventional and high effecient, the other is Planar and harder to drive. The Coincident will work with lower powered tubes, wont need the r... 
I have a martin logan cinema ctr... Need match
Its alot more important with a Martin Logan to stick with the same then most any other speaker. Most buy a center to match mains, so this is a bit out of the norm to do it in reverse. Other idea is to pick the mains you like then sell the Logan an...