
Responses from chadnliz

VPI Speed Problem
Belt drive cheapo? Ever hear the term "empty cans make the most noise"? 
Center Channel Speaker
When I said good luck I meant size and buying just one, ofcourse its ideal but practical or economical? Thats why I offered getting a Vandy. 
Scoutmaster Isolation
My dad has a Ginko Cloud under his Smaster, works great. 
Center Channel Speaker
A Dunlavy IV as a center? Good luck!I would look at the Vandy center, it should work great. 
Projector VS some other type of HDTV
I agree Moon, I cant see not having a PJ from here on out but some situations just are not right for them, I dont use mine daily maybe once a week or so but its like a treat for us to go downstairs for a movie, almost like a date sometimes. I know... 
Projector VS some other type of HDTV
Hey its better to know if its right for you and avoid a mistake and expense then to blindly tell everyone its the best way to go.......I love Projectors for a dedicated AV room but have other options in other rooms and they are not suited for ever... 
Moving from Mark Levinson to Classe
No reason not too but playing out your gears useful life while prices continue to drop and advances in AV get cheaper has it valid points too! I own both Lexicon and Classe gear and love them both, never had a lick of trouble either. 
Projector VS some other type of HDTV
I own a Projector too so here is my thoughts.If you can control the room light with drapes or whatever and dont have to watch in a bright room (family, kids playing, maybe your wife likes to read in same room and so on) but if you dont need more t... 
Circuit City is Closing, Liquidating
Reminds me of the joke Jay Leno said last week, "What do you call a bankrupt Circuit City?.....Radioshak! HAHA. 
Best Standard Def DVD Player under $8,000 used?
lol, I got some cable from a nice guy in a white van for sale......they say they go great with Theater Research speakers! 
Best Standard Def DVD Player under $8,000 used?
COLBY.....its a really budget company. 
Supporting Local Audio Stores are we?
Gawd, The trouble with cheaper gear is folks like ones in this hobby will still pass on the cheap stuff and insist quality comes with the premium price. Meanwhile the general public still wont buy because they just dont care, so the firing squad ... 
Question I Have Never Seen Before?
UPS store can pack and ship, it will cost a bit more but it wont be denied because of poor packing if its damaged in shipping. 
Magnepan MMG or something else
Are you sure the bass couldnt be added to with a sub? Sure it may not sound lean but the extra punch and weight may make you really happy. Whats your budget and room like and also musical taste? Those will help for offering advice. 
7 channel vs. 5 channel plus 2 channel combination
Either way will work but again its an issue of leaving it on,,,which is very little power in idle but it will need to be on and ready for dual use. It wont cause any damage to speakers though. The 5/2 idea is good again for not powering un-used ch...