
Responses from chadnliz

Questions for Vandersteen 5A owners...
My dad owns the Wood Quatro and has been back and fourth for auditions of the 5A, I dont agree about the brightness, if anything some say they can be too relaxed, the image is huge but image is easy to pin point when I heard them many times also t... 
How are the Anthem AVM 20 and AVM30?
If you already have a good 2 channel pre the Rotel RSP 1068 has tons of crossover settings independent for each speaker plus each speaker has its own tone controls. The Rotel has many great features for a cheap price, under $900 used I beleive, I ... 
Preamp w/mm Phono Stage for under $300?
Sound Valves tube pre with tube phono can be had for $300, along with the great ideas you already have been given. 
Cleveland, OH
I talked with Brianhemmis tongiht (great guy) and it looks like we will try for next Saturday at my place if anyone else would be interested please P.M. me, I am an hour from Cleve in Salem. 
Wilson better than Thiels?
If Thiel means truth I guess I and many others wish to be lied to, I can hear the truth by Sade or Fran Drescher, I happen to want to hear it from Sade where you may like Fran Drescher..........but tis still the truth. 
Wilson better than Thiels?
What models Thiels?......that may make advice easier to give, I happen to think Thiels often sound harsh which some share that opinion and others strongly disagree, I also think the Sophia is the best speaker Wison sells for the money in that the ... 
Cleveland, OH
Hi Brian, Our club meets every couple months but with a little notice anything can be put together with a couple or few guys (hell the group isnt that much bigger) another member may be over my place this weekend and you are free to come down, ano... 
New to High Definition media.
Adaptors for this signal are not as much of an issue as with other signals........its gonna work or not so dont spend alot of cash becuase it wont matter. The only issue with my adaptor was the length it adds and I wrapped the connection with Elec... 
When did Musical Fidelity start making stuff in...
With the chemicals used in China the Mushrooms may be a real "head turner" :) 
Shorting plugs....
Jimjocye, Why do you refer to Impractical as a odd "epithet" when many have closed racks or equipment placed in difficult ares to do this everyday, and for folks like me with disability it is far from an odd epithet. Your late to the discusion add... 
When did Musical Fidelity start making stuff in...
Here we go again, if anyone thinks they can avoid China then they have their head in the sand, if it works good, is safe, reliable and a good value I buy it no matter where it comes from. China got its strength in large part because of our own gre... 
New to High Definition media.
Getting a DVI female to male HDMI coupler may be cheaper than a special DVI to HDMI cable. I use this method on my Sony TV with no issue. Then as Surf mentioned just get coax or Toslink cable for audio, or even RCA if stereo is all you need. As f... 
Audio Research sp 16 or sp 17?
You should be really happy with it, congrats and best of luck! 
Audio Research sp 16 or sp 17?
You will like the SP16, my dad had one and went off the deep end after a bit and bought the Ref3, the only issue that the 16 may have is if you have really efficient speakers the volume steps can be annoying but that can be worked out. 
Shorting plugs....
Thats one school of thought, its impractical and many times next to impossible and inconveient but its a thought.