Responses from chadnliz
Into 2009; What rules?? Tubes or Solid State I find it hard to believe one rules over the other when most of my favorite experiences where hybrid systems of both tubes and solid state, and as other noted its all system and personal preference dependent so this cant be answered.....only argued. | |
13 going 30. A Sony unit outperforms ANY Esoteric? While I am all for creative writing this is a hard pill to swallow. Being this I have heard nobody else say this leaves some doubt but if its true surely this will come out in time. | |
Time to pull the trigger on BluRay? Dont forget about fan noise, some of these units are pretty lud and can be annoying, as for "High Quality" HDMI wire I think thats a joke, HDMI is HDMI. It will be fun to see the new Oppo when it finally hits the market, I have HDDVD player and an... | |
GMA callisto vs vmps rm 30 While I agree to audition any speaker as a VMPS owner and a Callsito auditioner there is no comparison, and there really shouldnt be as the VMPS is a entire different animal with much deeper bass, better dynamics and ofcourse a much larger present... | |
wiring a US hubbel plug Thanks, hated but had to say it! | |
wiring a US hubbel plug Unless you ask "Is it hot enough for ya?" when its 102 in the shade.......thats a STUPID question! | |
Integrate AVR and 2-Channel; Why so complicated? Jtori, you just need to route all movie stuff via your HT unit (digital and such) then route that the 2 channel pre as noted above...the 3rd channel of amp would just route from the center output of the HT pro. | |
Integrate AVR and 2-Channel; Why so complicated? You dont need HT bypass, all you need is an empty input on Pre to route the front speakers pre outs from your HT unit then you simply find a reference volume level (many just use straight up 12 o'clock on the dial) then calibrate your mains to mat... | |
Vandersteen Model 7s? Tdaudio, have you tried the Aesthetix Atlas or mono blocks with Vandersteens? My dad loves his on the Wood Quatro and as I sure you know Richard consulted with Aesthetix on those amps and they have the filters built right in. | |
Peanuts from hell Good sellers will place peanuts in bags or god help them if they dont ATLEAST wrap the item in a bag.....ever try pulling peanuts from a bass port....f^#*! | |
SHMCD : Second thought on buying SACD player SACD is the same "Tittle Dependent" and questionable "premium" expense, so takem your pick! | |
Vandersteen Model 7s? Not size as the 7 is going to be between the 5A and the Quatro in size......he is talking 80% of the performance if a 5A gets a retro fit. | |
Anyone using a Power Plant to power an XBR CRT? I doubt it will, my 34" XBR WEGA never gave me an issue, try it before you fall for speculation. | |
Audio Research sp 16 or sp 17? Congrats........are the volume steps any issue for you? | |
Am I hearing the effects of "clean sound"? The minute you think you have this all figured out and that the system will sound great next time you listen because of clean power something wont be right. I think it is a combo of clean power and just a great mood to listen and a connection to t... |