Responses from chayro
Now, this is some fun! Nothing wrong with that at all. Really. But let’s keep it just between us. Nobody else needs to know. | |
New Analog Technology??? The article is in Variety. It’s not directed towards audiophiles. Sounds like something for the hipsters spinning vinyl because they think it’s cool. I don’t want to seem overly negative about it, but it just sounds like a load of bulls@hit. | |
New Analog Technology??? I have huge respect for T-Bone, but this sounds amazingly like the hype surrounding Pono. There are 2 ways to record- analog tape or digital in various forms. And direct to disc of course. All this new system can do is bring us closer to the mast... | |
Music Hall 9.3 vs 11.3 Turntable I think you should get the 11.3 so you will not be stressed out later about not buying it. Your dealer should be able to assist you with the best choice of cartridge. | |
Pre Playback Wipedown I use a Last brush sprayed with the finest mist of Audio Intelligent #6. The mist is so fine that it hardly uses any fluid and the brush is barely moistened. | |
Question about upgrading my SACD player What the dac/transport people are saying is that redbook on the dac will sound better than SACD on your player. As I said before, I had 2 Sony SACD players and there was no comparison. So now you have everyone’s opinion. Now what? | |
Question about upgrading my SACD player Agree with @missioncoonery. I’ve owned the Sony 5400 and the more expensive one before that, I think it was the 9000 or something. iMO, a $600 Cambridge CXC transport and a good $1500 dac will render far superior sonics with red book to anything t... | |
Is there a facility that test cables? What Audioholics would do is measure your wire against 10 gauge Belden wire and test for resistance, capacitance and inductance. Supposedly, the lower the better. FYI, he recently tested a 5K pair of Audioquest cables and found them to have inferi... | |
Is there a facility that test cables? Contact audioholics. I believe the owner offers consulting and testing, but it’s not free, as I’m sure you would expect. At lest discuss it with them and see if it’s possible to test for what you are looking for. | |
OCD audio guy naming shady Audiogon dealers by name In general, it’s not a good idea to serve alcohol to people signing contracts. Just saying. Aside from that, I hear what OCD Is saying about dealers that carry a lot of lines, but from what I can see, many audiophiles just want to call a dealer a... | |
Doge (China to USA) Tariff As I recall, several forum members bought the Doge7 and I don’t recall anyone ever mentioning an extra duty on delivery. | |
Speaker massage ... In the old days we used to put the speakers face to face, reverse the wires on one speaker and let them play. Now we have break in CDs like Isotek, that supposedly speed things up. But playing music normally works too. I would get something with s... | |
Every day I see another turntable recommendation... Given your confusion, I would recommend you buy the best Rega with the best rega cart you can afford. This way there are no adjustments and tweaking you have to do and you can relax and listen to records. BTW, your statement that you want to buy s... | |
Holo May KTE vs Meitner MA3 I believe that many, if not all Teslas are made in China, as is Volvo. For whatever it’s worth. Take from it what you will. | |
Nain 282 vs audio research ls5mk2 Naim preamps are very dependent on the outboard power supplies used. I have never compared Naim with Audio Research, but if you get the 282, it needs a minimum of 2 HiCaps to really get going, but the Supercap really transforms it. But I’ve never ... |