
Responses from cherbib

BTO Not Fragile
Blue Collar.  An amazing tune and an anthem when I worked the night shift building transformers at S&C Electric on the south side of “sweet home” in the early 1970’s.  When I hear that tune, I’m right back in that factory…BTO resides in my sou... 
Line Magnetic 218a vs Leben CS600 -- am I insane? (aka when good beats great)
Not crazy.  I love my tube rolled Dennis Had Inspire 300B and Klipsch AL5’s.  A combination that keeps me coming back.  The Klipsch sounded great with different tube and SS amps, but there is something about the synergy of this pairing that is uni... 
How important is the efficiency of a speaker to you?
Very high efficiency means one can swim in the calm, warm 300B waters, which I love.  Low efficiency means one can swim and surf with the wide variety SS offer, which I also love.  Why choose when you can have both?  
Looking for integrated solid state amp for daily usage
try this:   Elac DPA2.  reliable, cool running, nice sounding and plenty of power.....a bargain and well reviewed in Stereophile.      
Seeking Honest Opinions: Your Experience with McIntosh Audio Gear
what Dean_Palmer said.  I bought a new BIG unit, and it needed a bias adjustment right out of the box.  McIntosh folks were easy to talk with directly, embarrassed and extremely helpful, handing me off to the unit's primary designer.  It shipped t... 
A Few Nice Words For Upscale Audio
That’s great.  I’ve always had great service and support at Upscale.  I try to go to them first with any purchase…even though I’m not local.  They just “get it.”  
Bose 901 Series V Questions
Don’t run them backwards; they were engineered more carefully than given credit.  The walls and placement make the difference between amazing and gawd awful.  You either have the right room or you don’t.  Use the supplied equalizer; again, tied mo... 
buying (NOS) tubes online
Passionate, crazy catalogue of knowledge and history.  A true tube nerd in the highest sense.  And, he actually cares.  That alone makes him vintage.  
buying (NOS) tubes online
Andy at  You must talk with him though.  Be patient and you will be rewarded.  (616) 454-3467.  
About ready to give up on Roon and my streamer
Pro-Ject S2 Ultra    
Western Electric 91E
Agreed gents.  It's an interesting mix of 300's and what appears to be intricate circuitry, followed by somewhat oddly, Bluetooth.  Perhaps for convenience, dunno.  Was hoping someone had bit the bullet and gave it a whirl.   
Bose 901 VI flat?
I have to weigh in.  I had 901 vi’s with 100 wpc and they were a disappointment and I sold them.  I now have them again, but now in a large and difficult room, with a 10” Martin Logan sub, powered by 650 wpc mono’s.  They are astonishing in that r... 
Upgrade to McIntosh
Ayon IS great stuff, but not always easy to find or contend with receiving those beasts on a pallet.  I too have an MA12000, but find it more than awesome in my setup.  Both units are beautiful in their own way and a joy to be around.  
Raven 300B integrated
Interesting… they seem well built, priced right and proud of their work.  Read through some of the linked discussions from a few years ago and can’t figure out what that was all about with KD and PrimaLuna.  I don’t find PL compelling and am Chine... 
In that case, I think you’d be happy with it.  It’s very clean aesthetically and musically.  I’ve paired mine with an MHA150 and love the result.