Responses from chrissain
John Dunlavy On "Cable Nonsense" Why stop at cables? There are just as many engineers that will say the same about any other piece of audio equipment. Some people just know everything and have this hobby figured out. Just buy good but not too expensive speakers, buy the cheapest... | |
Speakers for Devialet Revel Salon 2s are in your budget, if a smaller speaker is needed the new Magico s3 mk2 shows lots of promise. | |
To Shield or Not to shield-That is the question!!! My advice is just build them without first, if they sound edgy or bright, or pick up excessive noise or hum then shield them. Good luck. | |
Speakers for Devialet What is your budget for new speakers? | |
Paradigm and Revel The Revel haters are out in force. I would take Revel over Paradigm any day, so to each their own. Paradigm are brighter speakers, so older ears might like them more. They are both good companies though, listen to both before you decide. I own f20... | |
New Revel 208 BE, giant killer? Focal has better/prettier box building skills, revel has better driver intergration. | |
New Revel 208 BE, giant killer? I will will take revel over Focal any day sorry. | |
What about output tubes...KT-88, KT-77, KT-120, KT-90, KT-99 George, what rogues did you own? I own m180s and was told by Mark Obrian 120s would be no problem. | |
What about output tubes...KT-88, KT-77, KT-120, KT-90, KT-99 Depends on the circuit, I have Rogue m180s, with Revel f208s and have tried kt77s, kt88s, kt90s, and kt120s, in my system the kt77s sounded tonaly the best, while the more powerful tubes sounded "bigger" | |
The best coupling caps in power amp ?? Mundorf, Infinicap ?? Regardless of brand, who has experience mechanically dampening and securing caps to a board? I recently used blue tak to secure my mudorf coupling caps in my rogue m180s and I swear they sound better. Anyone else experience this? | |
Audio Research PH5 vs. LP1 ph 5 for sure, it's not even close | |
Sain line system cables a hidden giant killer. Fork. You strongly disagree with what? my cables have replaced some of the most expensive cables in the highest performance systems in this country. to say I have just assembled "a bunch of high quality parts" is completely ignorant of what I do, ... | |
I s Benchmark the "Benchmark" bel canto dacs are better sounding. | |
Best speaker cable for Revel F-208's kimber 8vs is a great bang for the buck cable | |
Best speaker cable for Revel F-208's what is your price range? |