Responses from christianb5s4
KEF owners, how are your speakers positioned? Happy to help, at the time I didn't have any room treatment so I'd be curious of how it would sound now and what setup is ideal. Compared to my Focals, KEF was definitely less picky to toe. | |
KEF owners, how are your speakers positioned? When I had my KEF R5s, I had them toed in a few degrees and felt the imaging was better that way. I tried them pointed straight out, and toed in significantly, straight out the center image wasn't as focused as I wanted and toed in too far, the so... | |
VTL TL7.5 series lll VS VAC Master Line Stage VS AR Ref 6 VS Nagra Classic Preamp @kmmd Fair point, by no means did I mean to hijack the OP's thread. Just very rare to find someone with experience on two amps I'm close to considering. So i appreciate all the feedback truly, happy to PM and not clutter further. | |
VTL TL7.5 series lll VS VAC Master Line Stage VS AR Ref 6 VS Nagra Classic Preamp @kmmd Have you ever heard Parasound by chance? If you had to grade out of ten, ten being warmest, how much warmer is Pass vs Coda 16? I'm a big fan of transparency but also balancing out the forward nature of my Focals. Also been curious to try br... | |
VTL TL7.5 series lll VS VAC Master Line Stage VS AR Ref 6 VS Nagra Classic Preamp @kmmd That amp is on my very short list, there's one listed that's tempting me greatly. Keep me posted if you wouldn't mind! | |
Integrating speakers into contemporary decor - can WAF ever be overcome? @lubachl While my GF turned fiance has always been a good sport, it's always fun to start spewing audiophile jargon until the significant other either laughs or their eyes glaze over. | |
VTL TL7.5 series lll VS VAC Master Line Stage VS AR Ref 6 VS Nagra Classic Preamp @kmmd I'll be curious to hear about your impression adding the Coda versus the Pass amp. Because both the 250.8 and Coda 16 are on my shortlists for amp upgrades. | |
$50k - $80k Budget…Opinions please. @toddcowles Good move on the 20amp line, I was shocked how big of a difference adding that to my system made. Good power is never a bad foundation to build around and costs way less than most any components. | |
Will there be a dramatic difference? You'll really enjoy the A21, which on its own is great. Of course the JC5 in my experience is a major step up in every way, but comes at a higher price. I've seen a few JC5s used for sale for really good prices lately so you could keep an eye ... | |
Happy Accident This is a great thread and learnings from everyone, part of the fun with this hobby is realizing how such small things can make a huge impact. Question for anyone who has insight: what if the seating height makes it impossible for the tweeters... | |
Shootout: Roon versus Plex, Qobuz versus Tidal: Who Won? Another vote for Qobuz as being the overall superior choice, for me anyway. I did a lot of comparisons with the same track same sample and bitrate between Qobuz and Tidal and found Qobuz more consistently matched CDs and local FLACs. That said... | |
Monitor Stands - Made of Stone I just installed Herbie's decoupling gliders on my Focal Kanta 3s, the regular titanium version, and have wood laminate floors over concrete. Love the improvements especially for the value. My impressions versus stock metal discs: bass is clea... | |
Is it still worth buying a Lumin x1 in 2023? One of the great things about Luminis the frequent updates and enhancements they provide, U1 with X1 PSU owner here. Even today, got a firmware update. Customer support is second to none. You also rarely see X1s for sale versus other streamers. | |
How rare is an audiophile One of my favorite parts of having a decent system is having people curious listen to their favorite songs and realizing a different appreciation for music. And I've since gotten my parents and several friends on the train. Everyone appreciate... | |
Why Are There So Many Used Rogue ST-100's Being Offered For Sale? I've also noticed certain waves of products or brands for sale over time, which my best guess is someone lists a particular item, and then you see others follow suit and list theirs too in the hopes of selling for whatever reason. Certainly not un... |