Responses from cleeds
Need Help: What In My Home Electric System Killed the Sound? cousinbillyl "Watts (and therefore KiloWatts) are amps x's voltage. Since motors (fridge compressor and furnace fan motors as examples) work on current, this current draw remains constant, but the voltage is higher, so you use more 'watts'. H... | |
Bad NOS tubes... Periodic problems with tubes - including both noise and catastrophic failure - are inherent in their use. While getting only two or three months from a tube seems like poor service, it does happen. It's happened to me. Over the long term, there's ... | |
Need Help: What In My Home Electric System Killed the Sound? cousinbillyl06-13-2016 9:34pm " ... we have Ontario Hydro. They have installed 'Smart' meters. These meters calculate power usage. Since this calculation uses voltage, and since highest prices are during the day and evening, they raise our vol... | |
Worst or Best Excuses! almandog " ... I don't tell my wife what any piece of my equipment cost ... But I am afraid of one thing:That If I die today she would not know what to do with my equipment or how much to sell them for. So I came up with a solution:I have a lar... | |
"Stairway To Heaven" Plagarism court case rwwear " ... When Weird Al does a parody he has to get permission from the person or company that owns the rights to the song. As in "Like a Surgeon" he had to get permission from Madonna." Sorry, but you're mistaken. While you may be correct that... | |
Paul Weitzel from Tube Research Labs It's seems silly to me to discard all measurements just because sometimes measurements don't correlate with what we hear, or expect to hear. Certainly, measurements do often explain what we hear. | |
Etiquette for a listening session? czarivey"wow the removed posts will soon reach posted haha!"This is an audio forum. Because this is the Internet, I'm sure there are places to go when you want to talk about sex. But this forum isn't the place. I think that's why the posts were ... | |
FR64s & Orsonic Av-1s Effective mass ? @lewm I'd purchased my FR64S brand new back when I also bought the Oracle Delphi Mk. III that I mounted it on. That was a great combination and, as I've mentioned, I sold it to a friend who still uses it. It sounds great in his system. As for what... | |
Who makes the Tone arm with swing out damping trough that the head shell sits in????? Townshend? | |
FR64s & Orsonic Av-1s Effective mass ? rauliruegas " ...What do we in the audio world?, nothing but try to be " self convinced ) through that: " I LIKE IT " and that's all and that's why one gentleman posted here:" Raul is actually the only person I've ever heard who didn't th... | |
FR64s & Orsonic Av-1s Effective mass ? rauliruegas7,575 posts "As always dead silence/no answer. Have not any single argument/fact as all the other promotion’s gentlemans."Your question was answered before you asked it. Perhaps you might consider going back and reading this thread more... | |
XLR-Balanced Hybrid Hi-End Cable What is a "hybrid" cable? | |
Need a remote control for my Audio Research CD1 CD Player @marktomaras I've had the same experience with ARC service. I did recently have a question that I emailed in to the general service email and it did take a couple of days for Kalvin to respond. But it was a clear and thorough response, so well wor... | |
FR64s & Orsonic Av-1s Effective mass ? rauliruegas " ... Problem is that you can’t , not even in dreams, imagine ..."Raul, you are amazing! Not only do you know what people think, we now learn that you know what they dream. That is truly remarkable and we are so unfortunate to have y... | |
Canadian rock and roll bdp24"4/5ths of The Band."Great point! I never thought of them that way! |