Responses from cleeds
What happened to Berkeley Audio Design erik_squires "I have tried looking their office up, no dice."The company phone number is on its website. (510) 277-0512 Why don't you just call them? | |
Should I buy a Class A Amp. nutty " ... My Mark Levinson no. 334, the "Voltage Gain Stages" are biased to operate in a full class A mode ... Laws of physics cannot be denied. The Levinson no. 336 draws 50 amperes at 120v ... "That seems very dubious. It surely can’t draw 50... | |
Question about neutrality and transparency in an amp echobase "I've just acquired a Hegel H160 integrated along with a pair of Dynaudio Focus 160 speakers ... The amp is quite colorless and neutral, as are the speakers ... if I connected a turntable, cartridge, and phono stage combination tha... | |
New listening room electrical design gdnrbob " ... I would have a dedicated line going from the panel to your equipment. From there, I would add whatever outlets you need to run your equipment. Stereo equipment isn't that power hungry and running extra lines for analog/digital... | |
Cartridge Demagnetization: Moving Magnet/Iron vs Moving Coil Processes czarivey"Moving Magnet cartridge must always be MAGNETIZED. Do not do anything to de-magnetize it."Well, yes and no.It is safe to degauss a phono cartridge, but proper procedures must be followed. With a moving magnet cart, the stylus typically m... | |
Next jump in performance hieukm "But it seems that the PS Audio P10 alone wont be sufficient cus i still got a lot of EMI from the grid."How have you established that you are suffering from EMI, and that the source is your local power grid? | |
Retipping a bence ace ls Have you ruled out other possible causes of this loss of "punch?" What other components are you using? Is this problem only with an LP source? | |
VPI MOTOR PULLEY ?? I can surely appreciate the math and machine tooling skill that's required to make this pulley. Kudos to you all!I'm must be a lazy audiophile - I'd rather call my VPI dealer and order the proper part from the factory. Why bother to reinvent the w... | |
Redbook Keeps Surprising kijankIt is legal to copy any music to a tape since tape manufacturers pay royalties per foot of the tape.I'm sorry, but you're mistaken. Yes, there is a small royalty fee paid by manufacturers for each CD-R they sell, but there is no such fee on... | |
Redbook Keeps Surprising oregonpapa " ... I have a low mileage 2005 (just turned 64,000) Lexus LS 400 that has a Mark Levinson sound system in it."Very cool! That car is only barely broken in!"You should hear how it sounds when a really clean vinyl record is recorded onto... | |
Why will no other turntable beat the EMT 927? normansizemore07-06-2016 10:04am" ... The question was "Why will no other turntable beat the EMT 927?" So, it's a question, not a statement."It's both statement and question, because the question is based on the premise that "no other turntabl... | |
VPI MOTOR PULLEY ?? autospec " ... Well I went to the VPI information website and they wouldn't let me in untel I logged in .......But I can't because I don't have a pass word ??? I wonder why they need a pass word for me to ask a question ??? The best way t... | |
VPI MOTOR PULLEY ?? VPI remains an excellent company and provides excellent support for its products. And, the products across its range are an excellent value. I don't know whether it's true or not that the cost of VPI parts has increased ... I haven't needed any pa... | |
Is it possible for the center image to drift from lp to lp? Is your turntable level? Is the cartridge properly aligned? Are there any issues with the pickup arm leads binding, or any issues with the pickup arm bearings? Is the stylus pristine and clean? Do you have this problem with sources other than LP?S... | |
Redbook Keeps Surprising oregonpapa " ... I like to make cassette copies of some of my favorite vinyl LP’s and play them in my car ... especially on road trips. Am I violating copyright law in this instance?" This is not nearly so complicated as some here seem to want to ... |