Responses from cleeds
Fo Audio Research Ref 10 owners, Best Amp? It's difficult to recommend an amplifier without knowing the speakers with which it will be used. | |
Recommendation for tube preamp jlbkmb1958 Is there any such thing as a balanced fully tube phono amp? Yes. Doesn’t the balance require some solid state components in the signal path? No. | |
Battle of the Older DAC jasonbourne71 Go to Audio Science Review and read the test reports ... Reading ASR is sorta like reading the Onion, but without the wit. | |
Transparent Audio power cords westcoastaudiophile ... being decades long analog design engineer I would love to ask you to actually measure noise floor for different power cables ... If you're such an experienced engineer, why would you ask someone else to undertake me... | |
YouTube Indicates What the Future is For Audiophiles - Interesting Demographics. It's the nature of life that times change. Today, everyone has a camera in his phone. You can't buy a new Corvette with a stick shift. There are 24 states with legal cannabis and conservative Florida may be next. | |
Help Connecting Headphones Take a line out from the Hegel integrated to your Schitt Magni headphone amplifier's line input. Your Schiit phono pre-amp should connect to an input on your integrated. This is not an ideal setup because you'll have two volume controls in the sig... | |
PS Audio IRSV selling doyle3433 ... we ... repaired the ribbons in the mids and tweeters when he blew them out. (he claimed they flamed out ... There are no ribbons in an IRS system and if the planar drivers do fail they don’t "flame out." It’s actually a pretty eas... | |
Anyone remember the days before bells and whistles! That’s a nice Quad system. It had plenty of "bells and whistles" for its time. | |
Music reproduction is art While I agree that there's no absolute "right" or "wrong," I do not think music reproduction is art. Creating music can be art. Reproducing it is science. To the extent that judgment and experience improve the result, that's really a craft, not art. | |
Ayre CX-5 / CX-7 mahler123 Is Ayre still around? Yes. | |
So, I bought a Chord Hugo what? audphile1 If you found nirvana with sliced bread, I have no issues with it. You think an audio system is like bread, such as sliced bread? Huh? What’s your system - sour dough? Perhaps you prefer "wry" bread? I think you need a better anal... | |
So, I bought a Chord Hugo what? audphile1 I can probably name at least 10 components in the last 10 years that I wanted out of my system faster ... I've heard of audiophiles such as yourself - they apparently enjoy connecting and disconnecting equipment and experimenting and... | |
Quick question for the Cables Don't Make a Difference Crowd. unreceivedogma Trust me on this one: I know far more about the 1st Amendment, Public Forum Doctrine etc than you likely ever will ... Let’s see how long it takes for Tammy to pull this down. You seem confused. This forum is about audio and... | |
Quick question for the Cables Don't Make a Difference Crowd. unreceivedogma I stopped believing in the Catholic Church at age 9. I stopped believing in God at age 13. Do you really think that I’m going to genuflect in The Church of Audio ... I wonder if this offends Tammy and whomever in this crowd je... | |
No More Fake Reviews - So Who’s Gonna Tell Us What To Buy? rooze I think 'consumer reviews' means reviews for the consumer not specifically 'reviews by a consumer', so professional reviewers generate consumer reviews and are affected by the ruling ... There's nothing to suggest your interpretation ... |