
Responses from cmach

Conrad Johnson's Sonographe SA-250 or the SA-400?
I had a Sonograhe SA 400 for about a year. I agreewith everyhting you have said. They often get overlookedbut I think they represent tremendous value in theused amp market. I upgraded my SA 400 to a BAT VK500 andalthough the BAT was better I was s... 
To much wattage for B & W 805s ??
I'm running my Sig 805's with McCormack DNA 500. Itswonderful. When people say that B&W's love power theyain't kidding. The more power the better at leastwhen it comes to B&W's. I think your going to reallyenjoy your new amp.Cmach 
McCormack DNA 500
Well I feel compelled to respond here. I actually owna DNA 500. I have had mine for about 4 months now. Myprevious amp was a BAT VK500 which I was very happywith. The problem with the BAT was the bulk and thefurnace like heat it pumped out. I will... 
B&W 801 Matrix III...which amp to use??
Have you considered the CJ MF2500A. 240W should makeyour 801's happy and it does have a tubish likesound. Another consideration would be a SonographeSA 400. 200W and they can be had for less thana kilo buck on the used market.Good luckCmach 
B&W Nuatilus
Hi Kal,Thanks for the info. Do you have any links to the annoucementsor better yet any pictures?Thankscmach 
B&W N 805 vs. N 805 Sig. Opinions?
I have to agree with the two previous posts. The Signature805's are in a different league. The N805 is a greatspeaker in its own right but the S805 takes those strenghtsand builds on them. If you can afford the S805 I wouldnot hesitate to buy it. ... 
"Upgrade" C-J MF2500A to Pass X250, SimAudio, Or?
Hi Steveaudio,Have you considered a McCormack DNA 500?. I just traded in my BAT VK 500 and got a DNA 500. The BAT is a great amp but its big, bulky and pumps out a tremendous amout of heat. I'mrunning a pair Signature 805's and was shocked at how ... 
Any B.A.T. amp owners-love or not
I owned a BAT VK500 for about a year. It was actually aconverted VK1000. I loved the amp. Smooth,dynamic withgreat control. Very organic sounding. I eventually tradedin the amp for a DNA 500 because the BAT just pumped outtoo much heat. As far as ... 
B&W Signature 805s v. Merlin TSM-Ms ?
I have the Sig 805's and really enjoy them.I did hear the Merlins on one occasion recently andthought they were good as well. Adding a sub tothe Sig 805's does provide a lot more flexibilty. Iplan on adding a sub once I have the space for it.Good ... 
Modright Sony DVP-NS999 owners, your thoughts?
Hi Denf,I just got my Modwright Sony 999ES Signature Truth yesterdayfrom fsaudio. I was looking for a player that could doboth redbook and SACD. My current player is an Ah! NjoeTjoeb 4000 with upsampler. The Modwright unit is a bigstep up from the... 
Experiences with ModWright Sony 999ES
Hi Rbstehno,Thanks for your response. I plan on calling Dan today. If I could ask you for a quick opinion. Did you feelthe Modwright Sony was competitive to the Tri-Vista in performance?The Tri-Vista was actually my first choice but the priceis re... 
New tubes for Conrad Johnson17LS Pre
Hi David12,I talked to CJ about upgrading my 17LS to the 17LS2. Likeyou I was interested in this as well. Unfortunatley thethe quote I got was near $2K. Considering that the new17LS2 costs only $500 more than the original its hardto justify the co... 
Anybody heard the McCormack UDP-1?
Hi Chickdishog,I've been curious about the UDP as well. I'm in the marketfor a new CD player and have been looking at the Wadia302, Tri-Vista SACD and others. Just wondering what Krelland Linn players you compared it to? Would love to hearany expe... 
Looking for new TV under $2K
Thanks for all your responses. I really appreciate thehelp.Ellery911 I have already registered at avsforum.Great site by the way. I'm still doing my research but have been favorably impressed with the Sony46" projection TV. It seem's to offer a lo... 
Classe CA-400 Vs. BAT VK500/1000, which is better?
I'll agree with the above statements about the BAT. I havea BAT VK500 (actually a converted VK 1000) and have beenextremely pleased with it. It might be a bit overkillwith my Signature 805's but I'm, not complaining. Itsvery rich and detailed but ...