

Responses from coltrane1

patricia barber - diana krall - holly cole
Big Krall fan…,1993 to 2003. Those days are gone. But hey, a decade long career of singing well isn’t a bad thing. I’ve every album of hers during that decade. Sure, she wasn’t as good a singer as Dee Dee Bridgewater or Cassandra Wilson, but she h... 
Pure Class-A Amp under $2000 (USED)
Unfortunately, used $2k Plinius SA100 amps aren’t around any more. I believe people are hanging onto them. 100 watts 8 ohm, I believe 200 watts into 4. And flip the front panel switch to listen in A/B mode.    They would drive anything.   These ... 
Pass Labs Speaker Choices
Martin Logan.   
The revolution has begun!
Time to do house cleaning.
Put it all on Craigslist now. After the 1st of the year many potential buyers will be broke.   
What now?
For $3k you can purchase a pair of Martin Logan Spires used that will blow you away. I’ve seen several sets available for sale recently. But you won’t drive them with a receiver. Great speakers. Nothing near them at that price. Originally $9k new.   
Mid-fi tube vs high-end SS
@lowtubes is a sage! Best advice I’ve read in a long time!  
Has anyone been able to define well or measure differences between vinyl and digital?
Finally, after all this science, we get to enjoy the music. Imagine that.   
Tube amps and a Stradivarius
Yes, in the end, it’s about the music. What’s it sound like? Hmmm.   
Help recommend a good tube preamp
Any BAT preamp is good. Never had a bad one.   
Ditching Class A Amps due to Heat - Sort of a Poll
No. Never ditch Class A amps due to heat. It’s winter! Enjoy the heat.   
Only two tracks to test your system, forever!
John Coltrane - Blue Train Miles Davis - Kind Of Blue  
Where should I go from here with my digital front end?
I’m happy I never got into streaming. Sounds like another audio rabbit hole where you can spend $1000’s.   
Digital is far better than vinyl
The OP is either seeking clickbait, or is too ignorant to seek knowledge on quality vinyl. And no, I’m not referring to a $10k rig. I don’t have that type of vinyl investment. But even I understand the merits of decent vinyl. Buy an $1800 Marantz ... 
To preamp or not to preamp. That is the question.
You’re running a Forte 4a? Well good for you! I had a pair of them in monoblocks. Or were those the 7a’s. Can’t remember. Anyway they were great running ML’s!