Pass Labs Speaker Choices

Hello, Just curious what everyone is using for speakers and their Pass Labs gear ?  


Pass int 250. Dyn special 40’s in 12x14 room. Sound like floor standing speakers in my room. 

Pass XA-25

Revel M126be/ ATC  SCM 19v2/ Gallo Reference Strata 2

Triad Silver sub woofer & Gallo TR 3d

Anthem STR

OPPO 205 Modwright

Gem Dandy Poly Table-Hana ML lo-Sutherland 20/20

Furman IT 1220 balanced power

Diffusers & Absorption 

The Office system.....great fun...

I would describe the XA-25 sound as lush/warm/detailed..... a keeper for sure..

My 250.8 powers Wilson Audio Sabrina X's, ARC REF6 pre, and MSB Discrete DAC.  When I sit in my music room and smoke a bong hit when listening to live music, I feel as if stage security is going to kick me out, LOL!

Some very nice match ups. The overall impressions of the XA25 continue to be great. Saw a post of a guy running the Jubilee's with a pair of XA25's, wow! I might have missed one, but no B&W? Had an X250.5 powering B&W 804's in a very well tuned room. Amazing dynamics and slam.