
Responses from csmgolf

Legacy Audio Focus SE Bi-Amp or Not Bi-Amp
Sounds like you need a line attenuator for the Peachtree amp to balance the outputs.  https://www.behringer.com/product.html?modelCode=P0C9G This would be an inexpensive way to try it out. The pre out of your Luxman would need to be converted to... 
Does it make sense to "ignore low ball offers"?
I respond to every offer I receive. If I find the offer really low, I will just say "No, thanks for your interest." If they are really interested, they will make a better offer. Negotiation can start from there. I have made more than one sale that... 
Fun With Cable Risers
 using risers simply doesn't hurt anything. Worst case scenario, your cables are better organized.  Bingo. Having a bit of OCD, I like things organized and looking a certain way. I spent next to nothing on them and they accomplish what I want t... 
High Fidelity Cables?
It is really difficult to believe anyone would send him any money. He has gone out of business twice and stiffed people each time. How many times do people need to be fooled to understand not to do business with him?  
Stereophile review of Millercarbon system featuring Tektron speakers
Tekton has been going long enough and Stereophile has never reviewed any.  Stereophile has reviewed the Enzo XL and the Impact monitor.   
Storage boxes. Can I discard high end shipping boxes, and still sell in the future?
My experience with buying and selling is that items that have original packaging make the market broader and in general garner a higher price and sell quicker. Many buyers won't consider buying without it. It is not because material is not availab... 
Børresen M3 vs. CSS (Jay Iyagi) vs. Wavetouch
The Wavetouch compared to the original file did not sound alike. The Wavetouch sounded like a 12 year old boy before puberty. The original file sounded like a 30 year old man that has actual bass in his voice. If threadbare and thin is natural sou... 
2023 AXPONA Show Report
@ghasley  +1 It's pretty shameless and non stop.   
Børresen M3 vs. CSS (Jay Iyagi) vs. Wavetouch
1. Borresen 2. CSS 3. Wavetouch The foundation of the music and voice is MIA with the Wavetouch. That makes it tough to judge it in any other meaningful way.   
Worth repairing Essence Amp?
The designers name is Dale Pitcher. My understanding of his amps is that they were pretty complex but sounded terrific. Member audiobunker sold many products produced by Dale over the years. I am not sure if he can help you or not.  
What amps are out there that are Class A, 50 wpc into 8 ohms?
Any version of the Aragon Palladium mono blocks will exceed 100 watts Class A power. The newer Iridium mono does not have a class A rating, but idle draw is 120 watts per mono block. It is probably safe to say that it is over 50 watts of Class A p... 
More Bass
Welp, there’s a number of published measurements showing this to be optimistic. As I noted elsehwere, I’ve found a couple of different models shown to be around 2 Ohms for most of the bass. This includes the SE and 20/20. Perhaps I’m misinterpret... 
Legacy Audio Focus XD - Gain Matching Issue between the internal and external amp?
@fthompson251  I misunderstood what you were asking. Purchasing the XD and bypassing the internal amp would certainly seem to defeat the purpose. The only other difference would be that the Focus SE and XD use different midbass drivers.   
Legacy Audio Focus XD - Gain Matching Issue between the internal and external amp?
@fthompson251  The Focus SE is a passive speaker. The XD is powered with multiple connection options. Their website has the specifics of each.  
Green Mountain Audio
Before you consider changing anything in the crossover, decide if you like them the way they sound. The crossovers are simple looking because they were first order and will have a minimum number of parts. Messing with the crossover could make matt...