
Responses from dan_ed

Tables That Feature Bearing Friction
Dertonarm, the only table? Really? Perhaps you should try to listen to more 'tables. ;-) 
Tables That Feature Bearing Friction
Free spin equals loss of control, in my opinion.That's the best way to sum it up!Dodgealum, there is no noise issue. Because a bearing is designed with some drag does not mean that it is being created by allowing things to rub together. For the 't... 
Tables That Feature Bearing Friction
Basis, Galibier are two that I've noticed having a bearing with more drag than one might otherwise expect. I expect there are others but these I have first hand experience with. If you spin these bearings with no platter they don't turn very many ... 
which turntable for classic rock/jazz
The tensioning of the tape drive is important and can make a difference in sound. Some Galibier owners like less tension, some like more. Setting it is not difficult at all. A simple nudge of the motor pod one way or the other is all it takes. You... 
Very beginner question re: interconnects
Are you using a MC or MM cartridge? It will make a difference in selecting a cable based on the cable's capacitance. 
Stylus tracking weight guage
I bought mine from ANS before Sorasound was carrying them. Back then the price was around $80, but still much lower than any retail outlet. At these new prices I think it is a no brainer.I do notice that repeatability with this gauge is not really... 
which turntable for classic rock/jazz
Why would you think the Serac is tweaky? Actually, of the tables you list the Galibier is the best sounding, least tweaky, and the best buy of the group. Your VAC is much more deserving of a Galibier than those other tables. I'm just a very happy ... 
How is it ? that a tuner smokes the table ???
You nailed it, Mapman. After Jimpcn made this statement this entire discussion is almost moot because it is a matter of preference in the end.The tuner sounds similiar but has more dynamics and colorations, but is intimate, and just sounds damn good. 
Maybe your turntable setup is actually okay . . .
Hi KirkusYes, I would agree with Raul on #2 and #3. As to #4 I would personally prefer to be a few cycles lower than 15Hz. ;-)I only made the "Linnie" out of respect for the history behind Linn and McIntosh dealers. But you lost me below #4. From ... 
A/B Vinyl/Digital
Yep, my BAT CDP, which is probably worth no more that $1K sounds very analog-like because it has a very good analog output stage. It really doesn't take mega-bucks to get digital close to analog. 
How is it ? that a tuner smokes the table ???
I suppose it is a shock for anyone who thinks vinyl is the top of the food chain. Gawd man! Don't ever listen to a good R2R! ;-) 
Tonearm pivot lube
80stech,Check out this link. Look at the far right column and you'll find a couple of linear arms in the list, the PS-FL77 and PS-x800. The links show service manuals for both, but I am not registered with Vinyl Engine so I can download them. Anyw... 
Maybe your turntable setup is actually okay . . .
You have to hand it to Linnies! They really believe. 
Tonearm pivot lube
Hey 80stech, we do everything from Lencos to Walkers around here so don't be shy about asking for help with any table. There may not be someone with an answer but I've never seen anyone turned away for having "approved" equipment. Linear tracking ... 
Tracking error distortion audibility
I am really hoping that Feathed just got mixed up a little and that he'll come back with a more open mind.