Responses from dan_ed
LAST record preservative I have no doubt that the compound does what is claimed as far as chemical bonding, etc. I don't have any doubt as to what the results sound like. Muffled. That may sound like graininess and noise being removed to some, and to some extent it is. Bu... | |
LAST record preservative Rick, I have noticed this also and so I will not use any LAST products. I also won't spend any time discussing this because it always ends up badly. To each his own. | |
Tables That Feature Bearing Friction Ah, yes!a = (2*f*sin(x))/massThanks for the trig review. ;-) | |
ZYX UNIverse X-SB 0.24 sounding "too much" I haven't lived with a Universe so I can only go by what I hear in Doug's system, which isn't too much different from my own. So take this for what it's worth and please remember that Linnmaster is looking for answers to his loading questions.I ha... | |
Tables That Feature Bearing Friction Lewm, "distance from the stylus"? Why would there be component that varied with this distance? Unless we're jumping to AS? | |
ZYX UNIverse X-SB 0.24 sounding "too much" David, have you contacted John Chapman about the best way to proceed with these two cartridges? He's a great guy and I'm sure he could help you get this working very well. I own the XV-1s and I've heard the Universe many times. The Dynavector is v... | |
phono pre amp giant killer? Andy, for bluegrass in particular I would look for a phono stage with high slew rate so that the plucks will sound right. Ask about this when you talk with designers/manufacturers. | |
Tables That Feature Bearing Friction Absolutely. Start another thread on TT spec review, or something like that and let's see where the discussion goes. | |
Tables That Feature Bearing Friction Hey Dertonarm! Show us how it should be done right. Let's have a spec review. | |
phono pre amp giant killer? Truly top flight? Closer to 10 times your budget will get you very good phono stage performance. But it will probably take closer to 20 times to get "truly top flight".Are your heels back on the ground? ;-)Let us know what kind of music you prefer... | |
ZYX UNIverse X-SB 0.24 sounding "too much" I think you are missing the point with primary loading on the SUT. | |
ZYX UNIverse X-SB 0.24 sounding "too much" Those loads on a SUT input?!?! 100 ohms sounds about right for both cartridges, but not with a SUT. | |
Stylus tracking weight guage The LC-50 looks like a great candidate. What are the users of this scale doing to get the stylus down to the lp surface level while weighing VTF? The Canrong scale is a little above LP height, but the LC-50 looks much higher. | |
Tables That Feature Bearing Friction Thanks for qualifying your position, Dertonarm. I understand now that you are referring to a specific approach taken by Verdier. That approach as you have outlined it does seem to be unique, but costly and hard to control from a manufacturer's poi... | |
Tables That Feature Bearing Friction Ok, Dertonarm. I'm just wondering what you meant when you posted this.The only turntable so far which did it right (i.e. - correct application of "friction" to stabilize movement AND to provide additional damping to the platter) is/was the old ven... |