

Responses from daveyf

CATSL1 best pre under 3K?
Herron is not IMO in the same league as the CAT. YMMV. 
Convergent Audio SL1 MKIII pre-amp best for $2k?
See my response to your other identical thread.BTW, IF you can get a SL1 Mk3 for that price, jump on it asap...or I will! 
CATSL1 best pre under 3K?
IF you can find a CAT SL1 under $3K....a VERY BIG IF, IMHO there is nothing better at even twice the price....and maybe many times that!Depending on age, the tubes may be needing replacement, BUT that is an easy task and well worth it.What other p... 
"New" Beatles Mono Catalog Release on 180gr Vinyl
I just received my Mono box set. I think it is truly superb on all counts. The quality of the box and the records is first rate. The vinyl is all pristine and flat. The LP's are quiet and clean. Listening to the 'Help' LP on my system, I was remin... 
Linn Sondek LP12 impressions
Banerjba, do you REALLY believe that the LP12 is at fault because one of your records couldn't be tracked by an arm and cartridge ( I'm not sure you have mentioned which) that was mounted on the LP12!!--- I'm done with this stupidity. 
S.F. Guarneri Evolution
Pierre1976, I think that the GE's are in many ways better speakers than the Amati Anniversarios. I think you would enjoy the more precise imaging, better high freq air and the ability of the speaker to be more precise in its portrayal of timbres. ... 
Linn Sondek LP12 impressions
Banerjba, what were the tracking forces used on the different tables? I doubt that they were the same. An incorrectly set up cartridge might not track well in one instance and would track better once correctly set up. Same thing applies for an inc... 
Linn Sondek LP12 impressions
Banerjba, since when is the table tracking the record, LAST TIME I LOOKED-- IT WAS THE CARTRIDGE/STYLUS/TONEARM! do tell us what cartridges were being used at the time of your demo. 
Linn Sondek LP12 impressions
Kiko65, I guess we will have to agree to disagree. Where can you buy a SOTA TT that is a 'fraction' of the cost of the LP12 and that is better than the top grade LP12?....I don't know of any such TT. IMHO, the Rega's are not in the same league as ... 
Linn Sondek LP12 impressions
Kiko65, I don't think any of the TT's you mention give one the option of starting with the cheaper basic design and then changing out parts to optimize the sound. Your example of the Rock 7 certainly doesn't! The Rock 7 has a fixed motor and chass... 
Amplifier for Sonus Faber Guarneri EVO's
Pavpet, you are using your Wyetech's with your SF GH's and NOT the SF GE's...is that not so? 
Linn Sondek LP12 impressions
Kiko65, I do have a passion for the LP12. Here's one of the reasons why...an upgrade path. Looking at your examples above, not one can be upgraded, except for the LP12!! While some may like the Classic 1 more than the Majik LP12, there is nowhere ... 
Linn Sondek LP12 impressions
Banerjba, your comment that a LP12 can sound good or bad; Bad ones, even after being set up properly go off after a year or so, makes absolutely no sense! What would make a good LP12 vs a Bad LP12?I guess I own a "good" LP12, as my TT does NOT go ... 
Linn Sondek LP12 impressions
Suteetat,your observation about the looks of the LP12 is interesting. In some ways I have to agree, although the looks of any TT is highly subjective, IMHO.Some people would say the new VPI Classic Direct doesn't look like it should cost anywhere ... 
Linn Sondek LP12 impressions
Kiko65, the words "fuzzy to set up and maintain" would indicate to me that your LP12 was never properly set up in the first place. I have said before, and contrary to popular myth, the LP12 is NOT prone to drift out of set up and is actually prett...