Responses from daveyf
Vandersteen 5A or Sonus Faber Stradivari Homage I have heard both of these speakers. To me, the Strad's are in a different league than the Vandy 5's. BUT and this is a Biggie....they need a fairly powerful tube amp upstream. Feed them with ss and you won't hear what they can do. OTOH, the Vandy... | |
subwoofer for music? Johnk have you actually ever seen or heard a REL? Sure doesn't seem like it based on your comment/post. | |
Anyone tried the Lyra Kleos in a Linn EKOS SE? Just upgraded to a Radikal D and a Kore/Cirkus. I use a Benz Ruby 2...a Kleos or better still, a Skala would be my next upgrade. OTOH IF Benz were still in biz, I would go up their line. | |
What happens when a tube amp fails? What happens when a tube amp fails....the repair tech rings his hands in glee. | |
Anyone with experience on Linn's new sub chassis? Interesting coincidence Cto007,...I'm installing a Radikal at the same time as I'm putting in the new sub-chassis and in my case, the Cirkus bearing as well. Should be interesting to see how the TT compares to my old version with Valhalla and non-... | |
Anyone with experience on Linn's new sub chassis? I'm in the process of having the new sub chassis installed. Will report back as to the findings once I have had a chance to listen. Not too many in the US yet. Gets great reviews in the UK press. | |
Is Benz Micro no longer in business? I spoke to my dealer today and he told me that for all intents and purposes, Benz is no more. Albert Lukasheck apparently has " lost interest" in the line and has decided to shelve the production. Seems a little crazy as there was continued intere... | |
Linn Sondek LP12 impressions The Linn LP12 has gone through many variations. The latest is the LP12 SE version with the Keel sub chassis, the Radikal Dynamik power supply and the Ekos SE tonearm with the Kandid cartridge. Whether the TT competes with the current crop of SOTA ... | |
Review: Sonus Faber Guarnieri Homage Speaker I think the Quads are a great speaker. What the GH's bring to the playing field is an ability to reproduce dynamics that seems to slightly escape the Quads. The purity of the silk dome is a revelation, IMO. The Quads don't quite give one that comp... | |
Best Speakers for 10' x 12' room? Br3098 gives good advice. Treat the room first. After that, I think you must expect to sit in the nearfield and design around that. I happen to like my SF GH's in a room of similar size, although I do augment them with a REL T5 sub. | |
Any opinion on Tyr 1 Vs Tyr Mk11 interconnects I have heard both and own the Tyr 1's. IMO, the Tyr 1's WBT's are superior sounding to the Moonglo's. IF you want a step up from the Tyr 1's, i think the current Valhalla 2's are the way to go...at a price:0) | |
Do we still need 6550 or KT88 tubes? Many of the older 6550 based amps cannot accept the newer KT120's. Presumably, the new KT150s would also be incompatible as well. So, to keep these amps alive, i think we will need to keep at least the 6550's going. | |
Russian made amps? Krell303, I have a feeling that you are wrong about that, LOL. | |
Russian made amps? Swampwalker, you are correct. I am quite familiar with the emigre's that have already been mentioned. My question is who is currently making equipment in Russia? I would suspect that there is some GREAT gear there that we have never heard of. | |
Gruv Glide - Do you use it? I don't use it on newer LP's or on Mint condition LP's, BUT I think it is a marvel on the VG++ and worse condition LP's that most of us have in our collection.Does knock back a lot of hash and background noise. Good Stuff, IMHO. |