

Responses from daveyf

Best ARC tube amps for classical music?
Axtl,I would recommend an ARC D70. Either a mk1 or maybe a little better, a Mk2.I listen to this amp with Sonus Faber Guarneri's and it is a great match up;excelling on classical and jazz.The D-70 can also be had for what is IMHO a steal of a pric... 
Which 300B SET for SF Guarneri Homage?
George, I do agree with you that the GH's like a little stick up front. Along with my 65 watt/ch tube amp, I also use, to get a different perspective, a 250 watt/ch Rowland amp. The GH's have no problem at all with 250 watts/ch! OTOH, I don't agre... 
Which 300B SET for SF Guarneri Homage?
Guys, I think you are missing the point here a little... Sure the Frankenstein COULD work and maybe the OP would be happy with them. BUT, the Frankenstein might not/probably wouldn't work with the SF GH's. It seems to me that if the OP doesn't hav... 
Which 300B SET for SF Guarneri Homage?
Charles1dad, have you heard these amps with the GH's? I admit I have not, BUT I have heard several low powered 300B amps with these speakers that are clearly a poor match . What you end up listening to is basically distortion. I think YOUR advice ... 
Which 300B SET for SF Guarneri Homage?
Dongiovanni, I looked up the output of the Coincident Frankenstein's. They put out a max of 8watts/ch! I would be VERY surprised if this amp could drive the GH's.( especially since you have a fairly large room) I noticed that Coincident also makes... 
Which 300B SET for SF Guarneri Homage?
Hi Don, As a fellow owner of GH's, I have heard them with a number of different amps. IMHO, GH's don't really work well with Single ended low power amps. As you state, the GH's are 87db efficient, which is a bit of a tough deal for low power or fl... 
Tubelike SS Power amp
Might want to consider some of the Jeff Rowland amps, like the model 8,9,10or 1.All are somewhat tube like in their presentation. 
The Hub: News, events, gossip - Sound by Singer to close
Rx8man, and I are in agreement.Here is an interesting story that I heard about a few years ago at a 'high-end' appliance store. A disheveled man walked into the showroom and asked to speak to a salesperson. The salesperson came up to this man and ... 
The Hub: News, events, gossip - Sound by Singer to close
MrTennis, what an interesting comment you say in #5..Try to avoid Andy.What a pathetic comment to have to make; Frankly, I would have thought the one person you would have been glad to see should have been Andy, and conversely the other way around... 
The Hub: News, events, gossip - Sound by Singer to close
I have personally had no experience with Andy Singer.However, when you read all of the negative comments about him and his store, even if a small percentage are true, then it speaks volumes about his concern for the customer, or lack thereof.Many ... 
Is my room too small
I have a dedicated room that is 10x11. In a room this size, I think you are forced to use a speaker that is small(ish) and that does not reproduce much bass below about 50hz. Trying to shoehorn a speaker that is too large for your room is probably... 
Cardas Golden Cross vs. Golden Hexlink 5C
Rusvit, I own the Cardas Hexlink Golden 5C interconnect and owned the Golden Cross ic, I sold the Golden Cross and kept the Hexlink. IMHO, the Golden Cross is very bright and unnatural. The Hex Golden 5c is warm and a little slow, but it is a far ... 
Sonus Faber Guarneri vs Guarneri Memento
Milimetr, could you post the link to the review that you are referring towith the D28/2 information. 
Anyone using KT88's in D series ARC gear?
Hi Esporma, I solved the barrier strip problem by using bi-wire pairs of Nordost Red Dawn. The Nordost factory terminated the amp end with a narrow spade that works well with the ARC. BTW, I still believe that these amps are a PHENOMBARGAIN at the... 
Sonus Faber Guarneri vs Guarneri Memento
Elviukai, I think that you may be confused regarding the tweeters that SF uses in its various products. SF has for many years had their various tweeters modified by the different manufacturers to SF's spec's. This scheme has been used by numerous ...