Responses from daveyf
New Guarneri Memento vs. Old Guarneri Homage Semi, while I certainly believe that you are entitled to your opinion, I disagree with what you have said. From what I can tell from your prior threads, you once owned the Amati's and now own the Aerial 20t's. In one of your prior posts you actual... | |
New Guarneri Memento vs. Old Guarneri Homage Never fear Pinkus, I'm here..:0)I have been reading this thread with great interest. Basically, I completely agree with Milimetr's review. Frankly, the only thing I would add is that IMHO neither speaker is a bass champ. The Mementos do dip a litt... | |
The mighty CAT preamp All jokes aside, I still would like to get some opinions from other 'Gon'erswho have moved away from the CAT and also from those who have heard the Renaissance. | |
The mighty CAT preamp Tpreaves, was that an upgrade? Sounds like a lateral move to me..:0) | |
The mighty CAT preamp That's very interesting Spectron. I personally have not had to re-tube that often, in fact I have had my current tube set about two years and all still seems fine. I do agree that at certain gain levels the CAT is not dead quiet, some slight tube ... | |
Questions for Sonus Faber owners Rubinken, That is interesting, however, I am more concerned about how to replace the strings if necessary and not to pull them tighter. I suspect that as they age, pulling the strings tighter will not be an option as theirelasticity will fail and ... | |
Jeff Rowland Sound Flg2001 and Kiwi 1282001, What pre-amps are/ were you using when you had the Rowlands in the system and now with the Gryphons? IMHO the preamp of choice has a very BIG influence on the sound of the amp, among of course many other things, like cabl... | |
Magico Mini II vs. Magico V2 comparison Milimetr, unless I missed it, I do not see what is your preference as far as music goes. You say that the Wilson's and the Magico's are more dynamic than the GH's. I would agree that for 'headbangers' that that statement would hold true. Also, if ... | |
Jeff Rowland Sound Guido, I like my JRDG 8 well enough to not seek another ss amp.However, I am curious to try a tube amp with my SF's.I am thinking of the Tenor's or the CAT amps. Any other suggestions? | |
Jeff Rowland Sound Guido, I heard my 8 with a model 501 in comparison. The 501 is a good amp, but was a little outclassed by my 8 IMHO.Audiofeil, I have noticed that you pop up in many threads always with a consistant theme...NEVER anything positive to contribute an... | |
Jeff Rowland Sound I have to agree with JMCgrogan2 that the sweet spot of Jeff's line were the 2/6/8 and 9s. My model 8 with choke is IMHO far warmer than the later class D amps.I have compared this amp to several ss amps and the only other ss amps that I could live... | |
Magico Mini II vs. Magico V2 comparison Milimetr,your statement about the Guarneri Memento being less transparent is interesting. One of the AB's my 'phile friends and I have done is a comparison between the SF GH'sand the SF GM's. This was very instructive since the GM's lost out in al... | |
Magico Mini II vs. Magico V2 comparison A while back some friends and I did an 'AB' comparison between the Magico Mini 1 vs. my SF GH's. Too a man, we all preferred the SF's in my room, by a wide margin. Albeit,this was the Mini 1 and not the Mini 2s. So, I don't know how the SF's would... | |
Looking for former Hales System 2 owners feedback Brf and Jaybo, what did you replace your Hales with?I do agree that today the speakers would cost a lot more, although I feel that the MB Quart tweet was even in its day, somewhat of a let-down. I personally never looked back once I replaced my Ha... | |
Looking for former Hales System 2 owners feedback What a great thread Gdodson...:0)I owned the Hales system 2 sigs for about 13 years. They were a great speaker for their time. I now own SF Guarneri Hommage; which in my small room is a far more resolving and accurate speaker. The G's are way supe... |