

Responses from davidpritchard

Cost effective Schumann Resonator
jazzonthehudson:I also use and enjoy these Schumann frequency generators. As you pointed out positioning is a key to their being used with success. Too low in placement, and the sound is fuzzy with increased low frequencies. As the unit is elevate... 
Confused: Should I Upgrade Cables or Amp first?
stuartk:Lots of ways to spend money and improve systems but first  priority is to have everyone happy in the house. If you have not done so, I suggest upgrading the wall outlets and fuses to your music source and amplifier.The Synergistic Research... 
Cerious Technologies NEW Graphene Cables
lak:Very nice and informative post. Three well designed cables from three excellent designers. It really is a great time to be an audiophile and music lover.Ozzy:I have no idea how Graphene works in my Synergistic Research fuses, wall outlets and ... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
oregonpapa:That was a wonderful five sentence description of the effect the Black fuse has on a system's sound. " The room is filled with sound" - like oregon papa, my system now has this quality  with the Black fuses in place.It really makes the ... 
Bass traps - too many choices!!
If any are going to the Newport Beach Audio Show June3-5, GIK will have a demonstration room and will be glad to answer all questions. Good people with good stuff.David Pritchard 
Dennis Had Inspire Fire-Bottle SET amp review
whitestix:Congratulations on discovering the  speaker - amplifier pairing that stirs your soul. Your are correct that there a lot of tube combinations you could try.I would suggest trying a Synergistic Research Black fuse in the amp. I have found ... 
Cerious Technologies NEW Graphene Cables
I have the SR Atmosphere speaker cables and an Atmosphere digital Level 3 power cord. They are very nice. I think graphene is going to become widely used in audio. The Atmosphere  cables and Cerious Technology both use them. Magico's latest speake... 
Synergistic Research Black fuese
asalerno:I am glad you are enjoying the sonic improvement with the Synergistic Research Black fuse. Alfred Kainz is a real gentleman.If you are still using an ordinary wall outlet, I hope you will consider one of the many good Audio quality outlet... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
audiolover718:I have not tried the Wattgate. The Synergistic Research Black has the sound of a Teslaplex combined with a Furutech GTX-R. I think you would find giving the Black outlet  an audition most worthwhile.I have just gotten home from a won... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
oregon papa:Living in Las Cruces, New Mexico, chilli both red and green types and then which variety is taken very seriously. I have had the pleasure of meeting the Family that developed the famous Big Jim  chile plant (Hatch, New Mexico).When you... 
Cerious Technologies NEW Graphene Cables
Lots of excitement for some new generation cables, fuses and now speakers (Magico), that utilize graphene. And I believe this excitement is warranted. Of the graphene cables I have  tried the Synergistic Research Atmosphere Power cable level 3 (di... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
charles1dad:The amp is the DIY Forum ( but already built Get Set Go ) amp that was listed here on Audiogon. It runs the 300b tubes conservatively and so output is 5 watts. I very much like the sound of the Psvane 845 WE-  in the Triode of Japan 84... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Charles1 dad:I have enjoyed your posts, and so I have taken the plunge and the 300 b tube SET amp is on the way. The Psvane 300b WE tubes arrived yesterday ( 4 day shipping from Grant Fidelity- via their Hong Kong facility). It will be interesting... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
sgordon1:Thank you. I am glad you tried this advanced modification and it enhanced your sound system. In fact I just repeated the experiment using the combination of Black fuses combined with  Synergistic Research ECTs placed on the fuse holders i... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
justubes2:The Synergistic Research Black A/C outlet has more complex and better qualities than the Teslaplex, Teslaplex SE, and the Furutech GTXD-R (Rhodium). I found your one sentence descriptions of these outlets to be accurate and concise.The B...