Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
Dear Mr. Wolf-Garcia ...

I have two words for you ... and it isn't Happy Birthday!

David ... 

If you live in New Mexico, you should send some of that great Dixon red chile to wolf-garcia and mapman to compare with the little packages of inferior chile slop they've been using at Taco Bell. Oh, never mind ... they won't be able to tell the difference. After all .. chile is chile, right? :-)

Looking forward to the Newport Show and meeting you, David. 

I replaced the SR Red fuse in the ARC-75 SE with the newly arrived SR Black fuse tonight. Right off the bat, there was an increase in air around all instruments with much improved articulation. More of the organics we all love with these fuses. Not much of that hard edge from the usual unbroken in Black fuse. Very musical right off the bat.  At this point, I'm looking forward to the complete break in. 

Next, will be the SR Black wall socket. After that, I'll experiment with the PHT's for the cartridge ... and then the ECT's. The room treatments sound like a good bet too. 


Kingfi, before you consider buying you should check out this article on
Two Buck Chuck. I've always been told one of the urban myths about it but it turns out to be something else entirely.

All the best,

Actually I enjoyed Two Buck Chuck for ~4 years before the quality deteriorated.   I get sh_t from everyone but like audio, I just trust my sense of taste.   Well, some friends call it sense of NO taste. :-):-)

oregon papa:

Living in Las Cruces, New Mexico, chilli both red and green types and then which variety is taken very seriously. I have had the pleasure of meeting the Family that developed the famous Big Jim  chile plant (Hatch, New Mexico).
When you get to talk with the developer+ breeder of a well known type of chilli you gain a lot of insight into the complexities of a respected product.

This holds true in the audio world. When you have the opportunity to talk to the developer of a product don't miss the chance. I think most of us will know quickly if that person's product is worth the time and money to evaluate. This is why I attend shows like Newport Beach.

Tomorrow Zuill Bailey is playing a "Pop Up Concert" in El Paso at 2:30 in the afternoon! This is spontaneous music at it's finest. Up close and informal, listening to a 1693 cello played by a master of the expressive school of cello playing. Is it worth the 100 mile drive round trip. Absolutely.

Is it worth trying a Synergistic Research Black fuse with it's 100 hour breakin. Absolutely.

David Pritchard

Been a while since I've checked in on this thread. I'm very curious about the black outlet. Davidpritchard has me very intrigued.  Right now, I have the gtxD r feeding my power conditioner and subwoofer. The teslaplex se are retrofitted into my conditioner. My power amp and my CD player are connected directly to the wall, into a wattgate 381 Ag Cryo. I'd imagine the wattgate would get spanked by the new black outlet. I'm just so lazy to get back there. I wonder if it would be worth it though. Lol. 
David ...

In my opinion, and as a die hard chile lover, nothing ... nothing, can top the chiles from Hatch and Dixon.

 I used to visit a friend in Sante Fe, and while there, I would eat myself through every chile place I could find.   There used to be a place in downtown Sante Fe that was like an old Newberry's five and dime. They served a medium sized bag of Frito's cut length-wise and added a liberal portion of red chile gravy that they poured over the Frito's.  My god ... what a taste experience. So very hot ... but so good you just can't stop eating it.

Then there was another place that had the best huevos rancheros in the world ... made with the green Hatch chiles. Zowie ... another hot one that had you sweating even on a snowy day. So good!

Now that I no longer travel to Sante Fe, I just order the ground chile from the link I left in my last post. I use it for a lot of cooking that calls for chile powder. With its unique taste, its one of my better "secret" ingredients. 

I was wondering David ... have you ever attended a concert at the outdoor venue in Sante Fe? Chesky did a number of recordings from there that reside in my collection. 

On tonight's listening session with the new SR Black fuse in the amp: While more transparent and showing all the promise of the other Black fuses in the system, there is that slight over brightness and hardness typical of an unbroken in SR fuse.  What I heard tonight tells me that once its broken in ... new levels of musicality will be achieved ... and a lot more there, will be there. :-).