
Responses from dayglow

Which system would you rather have?
Freediver-You never mentioned that $500 giant killer tube amp? Let me guess it’s manufactured by Imagine Audio? 
Powercords $1000 that beat VH Audio cords
nglazer-You nailed it! Have heard all the powercords you mentioned with various demos with the exception of the LessLoss Signature which has a very strong and respected following. I would like to add the HiDiamond model 3 to the mix. I have 2, one... 
TTWeights closing their doors
I don't think Larry(TTW) was bashing VPI, just stating he used better quality parts. VPI is the king of marketing, frequently shuffling the product line. VPI's business structure reminds me of a NYC Deli-Excessive amount of product-Sides are alway... 
a little dinner music
After 9 years he might have joined the dark side-MP3/Bose/dumpster rat! 
Rega RP8 and alternatives in $3000-4000 range
Don't pay the extra $$$ for a Well Tempered just buy an Opera(Consonance) deck since Opera manufactures the Amadeus.  
New Forum Format Sucks
Change takes longer for some then others. I think it's to early for anyone to conclude it's not an improvement. What's important is we still have the best format to discuss audio/music and purchase equipment! 
What vintage speaker might you use today
Infinity-IRS Omega 
With $20,000 in your hand, what speaker would you
Rockport Technologies-Atria 
Be honest please
John421-If that gear(NAD/JVC) is enough for you, that's great. For most of us on Agon we value sound quality over cost. FWIW someone that frequently quotes what something costs(expensive or inexpensive} has "assclown" tattooed on the forehead! 
Solid State Amplifier Advancements In A Decade
Mikelavigne-Thx for your insight since your opinions are by ownership NOT speculation! 
what speaker new or used for 5k?
If you like the VA sound move up the line. If you want more resolution look at the ATC SCM 40(new/used) or you might be able to stretch your budget for a used/demo ML Montis both speakers would be hard to beat at the $5k level when set up properly. 
Anybody into 80s big music?
Phasecorrect-Having hit records and a definite debut album has nothing to do with "getting it right" from a musical perspective. Many bands have that "definite" 1st release then start on a spiraling decline, The Call did just the opposite The Call... 
Free $3K preamp to lucky listener who names it
Add me to the list that dislikes Rhumba. I understand the synergy with Rhythm, and being an entry level model "Rhumba" is not as serious by definition as Rhythm. FWIW my choices were... Apollo/Stratosphere/Veracity. My guess is they thought these ... 
Anybody into 80s big music?
S1nn3r-Your list helps prove The Call is consistently overlooked! 
Anybody into 80s big music?
David + David had one of the best(non-metal)recordings of the 80's.