

Responses from dentdog

House buying and the aspiring audipihile
Told my builder to give me 9' in the basement. He said, after all the drawings he could only give me 8'. Told him forget it, just sell the lot.Got the dimensions I wanted. Just had to wait till my daughter moved out. Wife wanted acreage and a hous... 
What has been your costliest mistake in this hobby?
Turned up the volume on a Phase Linear 400 amp. 
Desire to try tubes
The Supratek was a great addition to my system, there are many good tube preamps and amps. Check the Supratek threads as well as the Don Sachs preamps. Both use 6SN7 output tubes. The Hereseys are efficient so you don't need lots of power. I have ... 
Desire to try tubes
Supratek preamp. $2500. Best deal in audio. My previous preamp@$7500 didn’t hold a candle to it.   
KT88 tube amp
After swapping out a couple of KT88 brands I broke down and ordered Sophia Electric Blue Bottles. Had doubts about the bass having used them in a previous amp they sounded a bit thin there.Each amp takes 6 of these so mucho dinero laid out. The mu... 
Guidance for choosing step down transformer for audio gear
SAC Thailand. Custom transformers. 
Neutral Sounding Tube Amps - what gives?
I run a Supratek Chardonnay with some upgrades for the pre and like very much the 6SN7 presentation. It’s hard to describe in typical audiophile terms being that it just sounds right to me. More dynamic than any other tube unit I’ve heard but havi... 
MC2200 Right Channel No Sound Sometimes; Cost to Fix
Terry DeWick in Knoxville. He's been servicing Macs for probably 40 years. No nonsense, very reasonable. 
Reliability of brand
Supratek Chardonnay.  
Supratek Owners Thread
I made wholesale changes to my system in the last year and the last was addition of the Chardonnay. I basically asked Mick to make me the best preamp he could and parts upgrade where they would matter. I'm all tube and basically vinyl. But the Cha... 
Really need some help finding a full range speaker
The Soul Supremes mentioned earlier. They will ship them and you can listen. If I were approaching this tier in a normal living space and  going for a big dynamic sound I would consider. They're unobtrusive visually and very dynamic in a big way. ... 
want a CD player upgrade
Just purchased an Ayon CD-10 11 and placed it into my system last night. It has tube rectification and tube output. One box unit with some features not usually found. Sounds good right out of the box but letting it run continuously. Negotiated it ... 
Speaker stand spikes ~2” long?
Tom, I have sets of Sistrum platforms and while I will say they had a positive effect under Zu Definition !V speakers, the ability to move the speakers became problematic. The platforms’ Audio Points were difficult to adjust for stability undernea... 
Speaker stand spikes ~2” long?
Tom, Thanks for this info. Have speakers with an aluminum base, down firing sub active in each. In looking for a good spike should I use aluminum?  
Full Range speakers for a living space
Tidal Piano