Responses from denverfred
Why the truth is not in them ?? Thoughts on commerce in the "Age of Mendacity":SELLERS:1) When you advertize "price firm" you must MEAN IT! Then buyers can evaluate your add and move on.2) Otherwise, always build-in enough headroom to discount, ship, etc.3) ALWAYS over-pack your... | |
Ever feel like a "low dollar" customer that your dealer doesn't think worth their time? Sorry, yes I meant Paul McGowan. Pretty big error.Thanks hilde45 for catching me half asleep. | |
Ever feel like a "low dollar" customer that your dealer doesn't think worth their time? I look for many manufacturers to jump on the direct sales bandwagon. We should all pay attention to Paul Barton's interesting business model out here high in the Rocky Mountains. He's got no local shops, factory direct, and a generous trade-in pol... | |
Ever feel like a "low dollar" customer that your dealer doesn't think worth their time? Give it up folks! Retail Hifi is dead as a doornail and now the virus has sealed the coffin.IMCE nothing affects a retail sales floor like lack of traffic/business. Once depression really catches hold, it can spread rapidly. When a salesperson rea... | |
Thoughts on Peachtree Audio Nova300 I have a Peachtree Nova Pre and it has been a sturdy, terrific sounding preamp for about 10 years. Lots of class A. The DAC is so neutral as to be aggravating. BUT the remote control is an embarrassing toy. Almost impossible to see the volume cont... | |
Fuses and confusion If you bought gear NEW from a reputable manufacturer/dealer network, your warranty will be fine. If you didn’t--oops!Sure are a lot of void warranties in our group if you can't even open it up. All those interior amp pics on the web are of out-of-... | |
Miracles in Audio, by luck, by good choices,by design or by tweaking... Hey magister!Wanted to report that I just took my first dive into the placebo pool with some very “quieting” hunks of Shungite This stuff is very weird. Kind of tingly when I hold several pieces in my hands.Is this stuff completely benign for huma... | |
Solid states more accurate than tubes? Don_C55: "When you look at your wife or GF after she rolls out of bed in the morning that is accuracy.... when she is made up for a nite on the town.....that is beauty."So the question for us is where is the median? The hybrid that isn’t a comprom... | |
What do/did you do for a living? I am a retired 20 year vet of hi end audio retail. Store management.Or, I’m a retired professional stage actor, university professor and audio book narrator.Or, back in the day, I was a breeder of show horses. Even then, I still had enough left ov... | |
Who says cables don't make a difference? Wow. This thread really went off the rails.Still haven’t seen that study comparing tests on . . . I’d settle for AQ NRG1 vs Lowe’s 14ga. extension cord. Like . . . how’s the induced noise figures match up? Just askin’. | |
Local dealer cuts store in half says audio is dead IMCE all brick-and-mortar RETAIL IS DEAD! It’s just a matter of time now that the virus has taught us all to shop online and get delivery. Can you really imagine that you’ll magically stop buying everything at Amazon or gear at Audiogon?So when a ... | |
Alternatives to Stillpoints Maple-shmaple! I’ve got my stuff in a horizontal maple cabinet that looks and houses gear perfectly but is now my new obsession. I’ve cleaned up my sound enough that the resonating maple cabinet has to go! Need to get the equipment rack away from ... | |
Has there been any inexpensive item that enhanced your system's sound? $4 foam bass traps and a $17 bottle of Stranahan’s Colorado single malt.Anyone else using Glencairn whisky glasses? They enhance the depth and widen the stage of the olfactory experience.So we have sound, sight, smell, taste and some tactile impac... | |
Who says cables don't make a difference? IMCE there is one documented, peer reviewed study of audio cabling that has failed to make an appearance in any of our favorite magazines (or those of the medical profession?). Where is the tech/skeptic proof that ALL cables sound the same? They s... | |
Question For Those In The Know About Audio Research Power Amps OMG!Didn’t know ARC was in the Mac group. Ironic in view of the intra- staff battles that raged in our 70’s hifi emporium about the fact that they sounded SO DAMN DIFFERENT! I was with David Beatty Stereo in Kansas City. He was rightly a much resp... |