

Responses from desalvo55

Joule Electra VZN100 Thoughts
Probably right Tubegroover. My audio buddies think they're miraculous. I call them Frankenstein mono blocks. Especially considering the variac ;) 
Joule Electra VZN100 Thoughts
Other than a bad tube the Joules have had no reliability issues although having seen the bulging caps things could go haywire. I wish to be proactive and replace before that happens.No other amp that has been through my current system has made any... 
Oppo BDP-95 as a pure two channel audio source?
I have considerable experience with the BDP-95 as a 2 channel source. It has been in my system against a host of DAC's including Eastern Electric Minimax, NAD M51,BDP83se modded, Metrum Octave, Tranquility and others.The way I used the BDP-95 ulti... 
Joule Electra VZN100 Thoughts
Thanks Tubegroover, for the response. The Joules have been solid except for just recently, a glowing red tube. I purchased 4 of the 6C33 NOS for under a $100 dollars including shipping from Russia so no complaints there. Waiting for arrival. I hap... 
Hypex Ncore NC400
Finally had a chance to hear the nCores in my system. My current amps are the Joule Electra VZN100's. The nCores were very difficult to assess. At first, I thought they sounded good but something was missing. Trying to get a description, all I cou... 
NAD M51 wish PC based connectivity
Never got an opportunity to hear the W4S in my system. J-River plays but not without its hiccups. When left alone, PC wakes from sleep, NAD requires a reboot. Need to debug as it's annoying. 
Joule Electra VZN 100 Need help
Wow, that is really great information. I got no help, no love from Jud. But many fellow audio guys have really come to my rescue. When something breaks (or I break something) in my house, in about 1 day someone has a spare for me to use till I'm u... 
Joule Electra VZN 100 Need help
Got it sorted out myself. In the end, I really could find a mistake in wiring. I just trimmed and reset all the connections. But something happened. There's no hum anywhere and the amps sound even more amazing.Thanks again for your help. 
NAD M51 wish PC based connectivity
Thanks for the responses. I've gotten J-River to work with the NAD. There was a playback mode section at the bottom of a file type window I missed that was set to "automatic". Strange location IMO.Even after giving up the Jriver engineers found th... 
Review: NAD m51 DA converter
I received my M51 ~25 days ago so I've been spending some time testing with the M51’s generous amount of connectivity.I've written this review on another site some weeks ago and thought I'd share/add to AG comrades. Comparisons with other DACs alt... 
Joule Electra VZN 100 Need help
Hey guys thanks for the posts. I brought this on myself by wanting to rid the amps of those cheesy power cords. Simple enough but it wasn't. I didn't take any pictures like a total idiot. I assumed they were wired identically like an idiot. They a... 
Joule Electra VZN 100 Need help
The problem is that I rewired the power inlets (the ones without the fuse holder) and I'm pretty sure I mis-wired one of those, somehow, as I was damn careful. I was also under the illusion that they carried AC. My stupidity. The variac wiring see... 
what is the best amp you've ever heard
Now that I own them after a week, the Joule Electra VZN100 is the best sounding amp I've heard to date. This after owning the Decware Torii MkIII which is no slouch. This by a wide margin. 
Anyone got GR Research Super V
Well, this is an old thread, but I have an answer - sort of.I have the Super V's. I have a Decware Torii MK III. And I have Synergistic Research Telsa speaker cables.The sort-of is because I'm burning in the V-Caps after a rebuild of the Torii... ... 
Oppo BDP-95 sounds GREAT?
I have my BDP-95 running a 3TB "My Book" through its USB port. I've also used the eSata port and may try that again. It was a bit flaky for me. I am interested on a possible difference in quality - USB vs eSata.Note: You cannot use a drive larger ...