
Responses from djones51

Is Roon Nucleus the best choice for Roon Core and as server?
I wish Roon would update their site for the new 10th generation NUC's 
A challenge to the "measurement" camp
Maybe the Roman Space telescope will answer some of these questions on dark matter and energy.  
A challenge to the "measurement" camp
Yes, I know. That's another observation that shows Einstein was right. I'm not following are you saying Einstein can never be proven wrong? Newton's laws work at small distances so he's right but not at large distances so he's also wrong. Might be... 
A challenge to the "measurement" camp
Will thin wires sound better than thick wires?Doesn't matter the OP never asked about how it would sound just which one measured better.  
A challenge to the "measurement" camp
How about carbon wires? Will silver sound better than copper? I have no idea I haven't been given any measurements to look at so far by the OP.  
A challenge to the "measurement" camp
Well not really I should have said I assume the 12awg would look better it might not if I don’t know which plot is which I couldn't really say. 
A challenge to the "measurement" camp
I said Einstein's theory has held so far, doesn't mean it always will, doesn't mean this is settled science.  
A challenge to the "measurement" camp
By that logic nothing else matters, not the capacitors, the resistors, the fuses.... you can make the amplifier and preamp from junk parts and use clothes hangers for the cables. That's  correct if the cables we are measuring is clothes hangers co... 
A challenge to the "measurement" camp
Our working theory of gravity is Einstein's theory of general relativity. It's held up pretty good so far. But we still haven't unified gravity with QM, either our working theory is right and we haven't figured it out or their could be another the... 
A challenge to the "measurement" camp
The premise of this thread is the OP said he could produce measurements and challenged anyone to pick a best cable.For example, if I have a set of cable, and a set of measurement for eachindividual cable, can you tell me which is the best cable ba... 
A challenge to the "measurement" camp
Inductance should be pretty flat. I don't think you know what you're talking about andy2, In a short run speaker cable it might vary by .17nH per ft. from 20hz to 20khz.  
A challenge to the "measurement" camp
No measurements? ?  
A challenge to the "measurement" camp
I don't think you even know what I'm asking for most of the measurements should be fairly flat except for the frequency sweep. For instance the AC Resistance vs Guage should be flat in the audible range and not rise until 50 or 60 khz.  
A challenge to the "measurement" camp
I'll make it simple for you. You're putting the cart before the horse. You said ask for measurements. I asked. Provide them and I'll explain why I picked the cable I will choose when I get them. It's becoming obvious for anyone reading this you ha... 
A challenge to the "measurement" camp
If it's  simple then get 2 different  sets of cables and do it. It's all I really need but if you want more then get me the Inductance vs frequency,  AC resistance vs frequency, Capacitance vs frequency , Resistance vs guage or are you going to co...