Responses from dogearedaudio
Discerning a difference between streamers is difficult...only me or common for all? @asctim I’m not a software engineer so I can’t satisfy your need for an explanation. But I think if you actually look into different playback and operating systems, you will find that there are differences both in the way the operating systems c... | |
Discerning a difference between streamers is difficult...only me or common for all? @asctim I’m not talking about cables, that’s a rather different topic. I’m talking about the differences between different servers and different software. One digital copy may exactly resemble another, but you still have to get that digital file... | |
Discerning a difference between streamers is difficult...only me or common for all? @asctim "If the server software or the cables are delivering the digital file information to the dac in a different enough way to make the DAC sound different, then some or all of them aren’t working correctly. Or the DAC isn’t working correctly... | |
Discerning a difference between streamers is difficult...only me or common for all? I have no wish to add to the OP’s confusion, and I agree with many of the commenters who feel that past a certain level, streamers can vary in whatever added value they bring to a system. But we also shouldn’t overlook the differences in software.... | |
Help me identify an amp Sounds like you have a solid plan in mind. Good luck! | |
Help me identify an amp Here’s a thread that contains photos of the original documentation. They would be worth downloading and saving should the amp need service: It is probably in good working condition... | |
Do you have a perfect digital marriage? DC-powered 2016 Mac Mini -> Pi2AES streamer -> Doge 7 DAC. Big, 3D analogue sound. Sounds pretty good to me, and my listening buddies agree. The Pi2AES is $199, plus $80 for a Raspberry Pi 4 and $80 for Gentooplayer operating system. Sam... | |
Would a DDC (Denafrips Iris) improve my system? I can't comment on some of the other equipment mentioned, but I recently added a Pi2AES Mercury V3 streamer between my tweaked up Mac Mini and my DAC. The elimination of grunge and a bloated soundstage is addictive. I'll never go back to USB. | |
Looking for a CD Player @richardbrand Well, you can certainly make the choices you want to make. I consult for a company that produces digital media, both hard and soft, and over the past 15 years I’ve witnessed hundreds of palletes of returned CDs headed for the landf... | |
Looking for a CD Player @nonoise Honestly, nothing you have said there undermines my point: CDs account for a fraction of music sales these days. They are environmentally harmful to manufacture and cannot be recycled. And what difference does it make WHO buys streami... | |
Looking for a CD Player @jayctoy Great!! Two other things I'll mention about streaming: 1) I've discovered artists on Qobuz who I would never have heard of otherwise, and who would not have a gotten a cent from me in CD sales; 2) Streaming is vastly less wasteful than... | |
Looking for a CD Player ...and if my 72 yo, computer illiterate audiophile friend can work the Black Ice streamer (which he can, thanks to excellent personal assistance from Black Ice), anyone can. | |
Looking for a CD Player @jayctoy You don't need a "computer" to stream. Decent, small, self-contained streamers can be had for less than $500. It's a wonderful way to listen to an enormous variety of music for the price of a single CD every month. And anyway, the Bl... | |
Looking for a CD Player If you’re tired of getting up and down and up and down, I second or third the vote for streaming. The $3000 you might spend on a new CD player will buy you over 15 years of CD-quality streaming music. I have a nice CD player in a pretty darn good ... | |
No God No! Say it Ain’t So! Yes, perhaps we will see McIntosh at Best Buy. But I will readily admit that I LOVE my Bose QC headphones and Open Air buds. Both are very comfortable, very convenient and very musical, especially for classic jazz and classical. The headphones ... |