Responses from dover
A Copernican View of the Turntable System Lewm, why not use monopods for your amps, with 1 foot - then we can start a thread on the best sounding elastic to balance them. | |
A Copernican View of the Turntable System Jonathan - nice to hear from a fellow 60kg SPZ plinth owner - only point I would debate would be the air suspension, still think the tt has to be grounded no matter how much mass you have in the plinth. Rf shielding in the wall & perhaps a sea... | |
A Copernican View of the Turntable System I dont agree with pods but I have thought about mounting a cantilivered armboard off the plinth using 3 mini spikes machined from grub screws so they are adjustable ( for levelling the armboard relative to the turntable bearing ) and using a nylon... | |
Any info on a VTL Utlimate Preamp with MC Please Hi the mono/stereo switch is for listening to mono records. The preamp is already dual mono inside including power supply & gain stages. The only point they come together is on the volume pot which is dual ganged. In theory you can dual mono i... | |
Kuzma 4Point vs Airline - is it worth the upgrade? Hi Essential, yes I agree with the line analogy, but my thought was that with 2 points of contact the arm could potentially chatter - does seem a halfway house between captured bearing and unipivot, which may be a good thing, but I guess my point ... | |
Kuzma 4Point vs Airline - is it worth the upgrade? In my view the use of the word unipivot is misleading - the 2 vertical bearings are like a double knife edge as in the early SME's except that they are points/cups instead of knife edge/groove. Unlike a true unipivot the whole arm tube will chatte... | |
EAR 324 vs Einstein The Turntable Choice Did you check for phase inversion and set the loading the same ? Try different loading ? I have found with my Klyne it prefers to be loaded much higher than normal, ie 47k for most moving coils. | |
Reed tonearm w/ Raven One table-how's the match ? Hi there, I think the Raven 1 is great value for money and will work with the Talia ( yes I've heard the Raven ). However given you've already got a good arm, you might want to consider going up to the Raven AC 1 and stay with the SME which is exc... | |
Sota Cosmos tonearm? I used to be a Sota Distributor and have installed many arms on the Sota. Personal favourites ET2 and SME V. ET2 - massive pinpoint soundstaging and excellent timing. SME V very organic warm and solid sound, we had success with Van den hul cartrid... | |
To SME or not to SME? Mauidj,Any of the turntables you have looked at will be good. If you are nervous about the $20k, then spend less. What about second hand. For $10k you could get a second hand Micro Seiki RX1500 and a new Graham Phantom. Keep your Oracle as a bench... | |
$1000 upgrade. Opinions? My view would be to replace the Audiolab. This amp is quite mechanical sounding and in the states you have access to some great pre/power amps at wonderful prices second hand. Because the Audiolab can be split you could do the power amp first, use... | |
opinions on favorite cartridge Nobody seems to have read your question properly, which was which of "these" cartridges do you prefer and why. I have heard everything there except the GAS and Ortofon. My favourite would be the Carnegie, I used this on an ET2/Sota Star many years... | |
To SME or not to SME? Mauidj - why are you fluffing around still. I thought you had decided to buy an Oracle. Have you changed your mind again. With regard to all these opinions you have to look at the rest of their systems. In the case of Sksos1 if you look at his thr... | |
Capacitors in Cary PH302 phono amp Hi Tobes - we must sound like a bunch of old women with our comments. Next step if you want to go further would be to replace any Solen's in the signal path. Even the MIT will easily surpass these in speed, timing, dynamics and your pre will just ... | |
Solid State Amps for Quad ESL 57? Hi there I've run ESL57's both single, stacked and with sequerra ribbons with Quicksilver 8417's. I got much better bottom end when I ran them as a single pair by putting them on stands about 18-20" off the floor and tilted up so the panels were m... |