Responses from doyle3433
The fascination of vintage hi-fi: A Look Back @whart agreed. I pulled a single International Projector Co. Horn and folded cab out of an old theater in my town. After some clean up, fresh wire and some sanding, in a word wow! Friends and family are simply blown away not by it's size, but ... | |
New MOFI speaker (Andrew Jones) I was all set to buy Volti Razz speakers in 2023. They really seem to be what I'm after. Sensitivity, dynamics, musical presentation and fun! Now these cam along at about half the price. Darn it all !! I plan on attending the Florida HiFi show to... | |
What is the forums opinion of SVS subs? Hi all, just a thought for potential buyers. The SVS website has an outlet page where they have blemished units at a bit of a deal. I bought my micro 3000 with a blemish and I’m hard pressed to find the imperfection.. The cosmetic blemish doesn’t ... | |
What is the forums opinion of SVS subs? I have a micro 3000 and a PB2000, I enjoy them both. I have heard the REL is more musical, and I can’t confirm or deny that. But for me the SVS subs are just right for my needs. The adjustability via the app is awesome. Very versatile and lets one... | |
Speaker upgrade Hello all, I truly appreciate all the feedback regarding my post. My absolute top budget is $6k, without selling my plasma and a vital organ.. I am intrigued by the Spatial, spent some of my evening reading up on them as well as the NSMT's. I wo... | |
Speaker upgrade @soix Currently I have a pair of Tyler Timekeeper and they are beautiful. They will be moving to a different system. They are very sweet, very musical, nice soundstage. I feel I'm looking for more weight, loudness / dynamics.. | |
Help finding a subwoofer @alanpiga the PB2000 to me is better musically. It just breathes and has such a presence. Makes sense, the box is huge by comparison, as is the driver. Funny thing is the internal amp in the micro is more powerful. I have read that folks seem to ... | |
I’m about to push the button to get 2 SVS 3000 micros to add to ATC SCM40s. Installed one micro in a smaller 2 channel set up in the living room. That little thing kicks some serious beans. | |
Help finding a subwoofer Just installed an SVS micro 3000 in my living room system and I am simply blown away. Something so tiny can perform this well?? I was a bit taken aback. I have an SVS PB 2000 in my man cave and this little micro is right on par. To me the 2000 is ... | |
Where did you buy your first audio gear? First set of separates. Radio Shack. Receiver TT and speakers, walked back and forth three times to get it all home. No car as I was 14 or 15 years old. First step up. Proton amp and preamp, mission speakers, Phillips CD from The Speaker Shop in ... | |
Suggest your most desired MSRP $1,500-$3,000 Stand Mount for a Shootout. I really enjoy my Tyler T1’s. Very enjoyable and musical. | |
Looking for good recordings of female vocals I have not yet tried... +1 for Allison Krause and Cowboy Junkies Add Secret Sisters, especially their first album. | |
Best Sound Track Ever Vote for One O Brother Blues Brothers Tommy American Hustle (Steely Dan forever!) | |
Tyler Acoustic speakers I have a pair of T1 timekeepers and I totally enjoy them. I am driving them with a rogue Atlas 3 magnum and Rogue RP1. It seems to be a very nice combination. The Tylers are very musical, super easy to live with. I am experiencing no fatigue. (I w... | |
What is the best 2 channel listening chair? A clapped out semi overstuffed recliner, complete with camouflage duct tape. (Camo because it disappears and doesn’t effect acoustics in any way). If I posted a picture, I’d have to add a viewer warning. Very comfortable, it’s mine and no one else... |