
Responses from drjay

B&K amp parts source
Thanks for the response Palasr,Unfortunately the problem is that it is not this type of switch. It is a small round black button that is pushed in till it clicks to power on and pushed in again to power off. It always powers on fine but has to be ... 
Thiel CS2.4 and suggestion on preamp
I have 2.4s and have tried them with both an Audio Research SP14 and a Jon Soderberg modified Threshold FET 9e. They sound really fabulous with both and I am currently using the Threshold simply because it fits better in my shelving. I have also t... 
Conrad Johnson 2300A help needed
Hi Everybody,A quick update for those who are interested. I contacted Ed at C-J and he said that their suggested fix was a set of elastic isolators that go under the transformer between it and the amp chassis. He offered to send them to me at no c... 
Thiel 2.4 or 3.6, which to get?
Thank you both for the input. I have decided to pass on getting the 2.4s despite their bargain price.Unsound, if you are willing, I would like to ask you some more Thiel related questions. The contact user function on Audiogon is not going to be u... 
Sonic improvement with Threshold FET 9 refurb?
Hi Everybody,A big thanks to all the folks who have helped me out on this one. I talked at length to Jon Soderberg yesterday evening and he said that I would get a significant improvement with a power supply which he makes which is an FET9e equiva... 
Sonic improvement with Threshold FET 9 refurb?
Thanks Folks,I will contact Jon Soderberg next week but am still wondering if, following refurbishing, my unit will be an improvement sonically on my ARC SP14. If anyone out there has had a chance to compare a properly functioning "well tuned" FET... 
Sonic improvement with Threshold FET 9 refurb?
Thanks for the input so far. My unit is the original with no e on the unit or power supply. I knew there was an e but was not aware that there was a "full e" that had more than just the upgraded outboard power supply. Are there substantial sonic d... 
Thiel 3.5 upgrade to 3.6 or 2.4 worthwhile?
Thanks for the input so far,As an update, I have replaced the Hafler with a B&K Ref 2220 amp I recently got from a fellow Agoner and feel it is a noticable improvement in that the sound is a little sweeter and the bass noticably more robust, b... 
Affordable electronics to suit Thiel 3.5 speakers
HI Everybody,As a quick update on the Thiel 3.5s, I got a B&K 2220 amp from a fellow Agoner and am using it with the Threshold FET9 pre that was on its way to me in an earlier post. The combination is working really well and I'm now about 95% ... 
Affordable electronics to suit Thiel 3.5 speakers
Thanks a million Folks,All the input has been helpful beyond expectations, especially the points relating to the 3.5s not being inherently bright and suggesting focusing on the room. Long story short, I opened the 5 foot wide pocket doors seperati... 
Affordable electronics to suit Thiel 3.5 speakers
Thanks for the responses so far. To provide a bit more information: 1. I don't want to sell them unless I just can't make them work well in my room because I truly like how they sound except for the "brightness". They have much better bass and see... 
Is there a good, affordable, phono cable option?
Thanks to all. Based on the answers I received above I went on Ebay and ordered a Jelco cable with a right angle DIN connector for around $55.00 delivered from a vendor in England. I am also keeping an eye out in the Audiogon classifieds for a use...