
Responses from drrsutliff

Dynaco Stereo 120
I agree with @oldhvymec.  The one I built in the late 70s didn’t have the same, how should I say it, precision in its final build. Was a fun project. 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
David Bowie - David Bowie (reissue) 
Best Location for Best Cable
They will need some time after the factory SE upgrade to settle. The upgrade involves a new junction between the wire and the XLR plugs and the new plugs which benefit from some time and use as well as a crypt treatment that I in theory affects th... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Neil Young - Massey Hall 1971 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Fleetwood Mac - Bare TreesKiseki Purpleheart  
What are you streaming tonight?
Mike Stern - Jeff Lorber Fusion - Eleven Qobuz 96/24 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
LA4 - LA FOUR Concord Jazz 1976Reset my antiskate last night using a newly arrived “WallySkater”. The change it dictated from my “setting by ear” was an increase. Initially sounded fuller but with diminished top end extension.  I have always found... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Nice price and fresh rebuild so basically new with reasonable future rebuilds possible.  
Whats on your turntable tonight?
What are you streaming tonight?
The Clash - London CallingWolf Alpha 3 SX/Qobuz 
What are you streaming tonight?
Canned Heat - Songs from the RoadQobuz/Roon / Wolf Alpha 3 SX / Ayre QX5/20 
Turntable issue
Make sure the bearing is perfectly vertical in the plinth.  If it has become loose or somehow angled there could be a small tilt allowing the edge of the turntable to touch.  This would be seen as the touching always in the same spot on the plinth... 
Choosing an Amplifier to go with Spendor D7
Currently I am driving my Spendor D9s with an Ayre VX5/20 amp and VAC Renaissance mkV preamp with excellent results in a 14’ x 16’ room.   Your choice of cables could also play an important roll In the sound you hope to enjoy from your Spendors.  ... 
VAC 70/70 mk3 tube rolling question
Call the VAC factory and speak to Kevin or Brent. I believe the order will be the two most outside (L and R) should match and the two inner should match, but my memory may be incorrect.  They are always happy to welcome new members into the VAC fa... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Harry James - the King James Version   Sheffield Lab 3 Direct to Disc