
Responses from drrsutliff

Best tools to calibrate TT motor actual speed?
I agree with the KAB.  It is all I have used for the past few years until Origin Live’s LSC upgrade(Light speed control) and now I have no noticeable variation.  Where are you located?  
Attended his show in St Augustine FL on this tour.  One of his best that I have seen.   
Amp for LS50
I had my LS50s running off my Ayre VX-5/20 while I was awaiting my new floorstanders to be shipped.  I was amazed at how well they performed with high quality power.  I have attempted to find a less powerful amp to run them in a second system and ... 
Spendor D7 vs. Spendor A7
I have heard the A7 and was impressed with the amount of bass it could produce. The D7 has one bass driver and one that does bass and midrange (2 1/2 way).  I have a 14 x 15 room with the D9 with it’s two true bass divers and it almost exceeds my ... 
could somebody help me out on the benefits of expensive phono and speaker cables?
I agree.  To ask about “expensive” cables is a huge red flag.  If you want to discuss what your system is currently and the cables you have now we could discuss how certain choices may be an upgrade for you whether they are expensive or not. 
Magico A3 vs. Joseph Audio Perspective vs. Spendor D9
I have seen the Walnut in a D1 and it was very nice.  I choose the basic Cherry as it works with my cherry trimmed rack and other wood in the room.  Enjoy.  Make sure to get some sleep after they arrive... 
Magico A3 vs. Joseph Audio Perspective vs. Spendor D9
I do not think you will be disappointed. Please update us on their arrival. Which finish did you select?  Breakin was about 50 hours but they sounded very good from the moment they were connected.   
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Wired...Jeff Beck 
Does anyone have experience with Polk Audio RTI A9 speakers?
You will find a large amount of information and individuals with the knowledge you are looking for on the Polk Audio forumhttps://forum.polkaudio.com/ 
Magico A3 vs. Joseph Audio Perspective vs. Spendor D9
I have to agree with Prof on this one.  The measurements you refer to as their objective performance did not appear in my objective listening of them in the past.  I have listened to all three of freesole’s well researched and thoughtfully chosen ... 
What separate tube phono stage do you use ?
VAC does make the Renaissance Phono preamp as well as their Statement Phono pre.  My VAC Renaissance performs well above its price IMO but then again I don’t have the funding to discover out how much better the Statement actually could be... 
Magico A3 vs. Joseph Audio Perspective vs. Spendor D9
I agree the A3s have a special presentation.  I decided for myself I was more interested in moving away from the analytical presentation toward what I defined as slightly more musical for my long term enjoyment.  Were you able to try either the A3... 
Magico A3 vs. Joseph Audio Perspective vs. Spendor D9
The D7s employ a driver for bass and another that shares the bass/midrange.  With the D9s the midrange is a single isolated driver and there are two bass drivers that were designed for this speaker.  Compared to the D7 the D9s are more balanced an... 
Magico A3 vs. Joseph Audio Perspective vs. Spendor D9
I enjoy my D9s every day for extended listening sessions.  The highs are open and airy with excellent detail but are not harsh.  I do not use any subwoofer and the bass is excellent, extended, and when appropriate palpable.  The D9s performance is... 
Magico A3 vs. Joseph Audio Perspective vs. Spendor D9
All three are excellent choices.  I purchased the Spendor D9s this year after a similar elimination process.  They will work very well with a 48 watt amp with their 90db efficiency and 8ohm nominal impediance. The bass extension to below 28hz is s...