
Responses from drrsutliff

Tidal and Squeezebox
I’m not familiar with the dragonfly setup but here is a quote from a user on another site: “Setup for my various Squeezebox Touch was a pain. Need to use the Enhanced Audio Output app, need an USB hub and the gain of the Dragonfly is based on the ... 
DAC break-in...
There was a definite period when I first acquired an Ayre Codex that it presented very closed in and two dimensional compared to the loaner that I had demoed in my own system.  I ran Roon radio into it for many hours (days) with and without my pre... 
Tidal and Squeezebox
Actually with the EDO update my Touch will output 192/24 through USB to my Codex DAC 
Upgrade bug - advice on amp or preamp upgrade from Ayre for Revel speakers?
Ayre VX 5 Twenty.  A step up from your current amp.  Recently added it to my Thiel 2.4s.  I was considering new speakers, now I’m just listening more to an entirely improved sound. 
Vinyl from Barnes & Noble
Hate you had an issue with a new vinyl purchase but my experience with Barnes and Noble purchase has been very good. I’m glad they took care of it properly. 
Using a Squeezebox Touch as my Roon endpoint with very good results.  Roon is an excellent interface that works extremely well in my system. Using the Touch EDO output via USB to an Ayre Codex.  Your are correct that Roon replaces LMS.  The Touch ... 
Wolf Audio music servers
Thank you for the offer as I have been looking at Wolf servers as a possible replacement for my Computer/Logitech Touch with EDO system. 
What music or equipment gifts did you get for Christmas this year?
Two corner bass traps, two large 4” panels, two large 2” panels, and partridge in a pear tree...  Love my wife 
Where To Buy Cable Elevators/Risers?
These have been elevating my system for a long time...https://www.dedicatedaudio.com/collections/dedicated-audio/products/cable-tower-v2-audio-video-cable... 
The longest you have owned any gear?
Polk Monitor 7B speakers and Optonica RP3636 turntable both purchased new in 1978. Still in rotation in my second system.  
Where can I purchase some good quality lubricating oil for my turntable
Buy from an Origin Live dealer (check with Audio Revelation) or as I did direct from Origin Live.  
Benz Ebony L retip
SoundSmith re tipped my Benz Ebony H retaining the original cantilever.  5 week turn around and an excellent outcome.  
Line Conditioner - Small (3 outlets or less)
Audience aRp2. Two outlets and no additional power cords. 
Top integrated with MC phono section
VAC Sigma 160 
Thiel Owners
The changes from the last 2 months are coming together to allow my CS2.4s to reveal a new level of performance. Power is now an Ayre 5-VX Twenty providing 375watts per side. Previously my 100watt VAC tube amp sounded great but again this change co...