Responses from drrsutliff
ARE YOU AN AUDIOPHILE? - FOR THE LOVE OF SOUND Completed. Look forward to the results. | |
What tubes and where to buy them? Conrad Johnson Go talk to Paul at Sound Ideas on NW 13th St. there in Gainesville. He has an a nice selection of tubes and you can discuss your ideas, goals, and budget.Another possibility is Andy Bowman at Vintage Tube Service. You can reference his website for... | |
What is your cartridge and tracking force used Benz Ebony H (Soundsmith opimized contour retip) tracking 2.0 grams on an Origin Live Encounter Mk3c arm. | |
Stylus Rake Angle I think they are all correct. The issue is the groove bearing edge or facet edges should be at 92 degrees, but if you have an additional facet on the back (towards the cartridge body) of the diamond you cannot use that back edge as your measured l... | |
LOUSY SOUND AT LIVE CONCERTS This past spring Clapton played the Memorial Colusiem here in Jacksonville, FL. I have heard many other concerts there all with very poor acoustic presentations. That night the Wallflowers opened the show and played well, but the sound was nothing... | |
VPI Ceramic Platter I am sure the arm "tweaking" refers to revisiting the SRA/VTA settings and all cartridge setup parameters since there will be a small change to the level of the top of the platters even if they visually seem to be at the same height. No actual twe... | |
3.5mm to RCA cable Zu Mission. Look for them on Zu's eBay store or directly on the Zu Audio website. | |
Suggested Improvements for Set Up? The 707s need a lot of power to perform at their best and that will require a separate power amp. Though rated at 150 watts per channel all the channels are drawing off the same power supply. A similarly rated (or more) external power amp will def... | |
Jolida JD9 settings for use with a Denon DL-160? I used the DL-160 with a gain of 38db on my VAC Standard LE MM phono input to good effect. I think the 55db may be to high. The A5 has a MM input, but I was not able to find the actual amplification factor. I would try to lower your gain (many opi... | |
Power conditioning / surge protection By plugging a power amp directly into the wall you prevent possible current limiting, by a conditioner, to that specific piece of equipment. Many conditioners, including mine, claim not to limit current, though I still feel that is a small possibi... | |
Power conditioning / surge protection Look at one of the Audience aR1p units listed for sale here. Excellent unit that you can plug a decent power strip into and have very nice line conditioning and surge protection. Excellent reviews online. I use one with a CryoParts power strip 2 a... | |
Chemistry question on aluminum Aluminum reacts with oxygen to form aluminum oxide. This oxide will completely cover the surface between the raw aluminum and the atmosphere and prevent any additional reaction with oxygen. The layer formed is about 3 to 4 nanometers in thickness.... | |
Polk Audio RT2000p or LSi 25's--- WHO CARES ??? It is sad to see this thread. Chipmunks, you are asking about a set of speakers that most on this site have probably not listened to, and those that stopped by your original post may have been looking for information to learn for themselves. I hav... | |
VAC Standard/ REN vs. Coincident Statement I have owned a VAC Standard LE a few years ago. It's presentation is transparent, textured, and very musical with only a slightly warm personality. Quality tubes make a very large difference. The LE version employed some of the Renaissance quality... | |
Interconnect recommendations Zu Mission phono IC. Direct from Zu under your price target. Sometimes on Zu's EBay store for even less. |