
Responses from dseltz

Jazz vocalists which may not be as real as we think/imagine
Eva Cassidy 
A warm DAC?
I had the Chord Qutest but thought was a little too analytical for me (in my system)I love the ExoGal Comet (slightly above your price at 3000, or 3500 with linear PS) but magical and very analog sounding (again in my system) 
Suggestions for $2k budget
ELAC Carina 
My Demo results: I feel like I'm at a frustrating block in my speaker journey
I agree, sounds like maybe upstream problem.On the flip side, have you considered any horn speakers? I have no $ interest but at Atelier 13 Audio in Nashville (I have purchased equipment from Constantin there and he is a wonderful shop owner and h... 
Mark Sammut is ill. Does anyone know how to give support
Thoughts and prayers to Mark 
Demo'ing Class A amps, Appreciation Suggestions from those who recently been there
I would try First Watt SIT-3.  I think you might really enjoy it.  Almost tube like in sound and simply beautiful.  Reno HiFi allows in home demos.   
Visiting audio stores?
assetmngrsc:Yes, there are pneumonia vaccines, but they only protect one from Streptococcus pneumonia. And one specifically for H flu.  There are many types of pneumonia: bacterial, mycoplasma, fungal and other less common types. A short list of s... 
Visiting audio stores?
dwmaggie - prayers with you.  Stage 1 laryngeal cancer highly survivable asvjerry - don't forget Boeing.  Great deal :)Stay safe, all 
Visiting audio stores?
From an Italian Doc: [exerpts]Lessons Learned from the Front Line of the COVID-19 Outbreak in Northern Italy: An Emergency Physician’s Perspective:Andrea Duca, MDEditorial Board, Emergency Medicine Practice Attending Emergency Physician, Ospedale ... 
Visiting audio stores?
I am an ED doc in a very large urban teaching hospital (Wash U/Barnes Jewish in St Louis)This is a serious disease. Death rate (using worldwide data) is 10x that of the flu. So using numbers given by Mrmb, that is a half million deaths. But those ... 
+1 mijostyn+1 nobel100Innuos Streamers are another great choice to store all your CDs digitally. Doesn't have a built ins DAC if you don't need one.  Roon compatible.  About same price as Lumin 
Rethm Maargra Speaker: High efficiency, very easy impedance, built for SET amps.
I have owned a pair of Maarga which I thought sounded very detailed (and no cabinet vibration) Actually sold them and bought a pair of the Saadhana (top of the line in Rethm speakers) and have been nothing but amazed. I drive them with a 24 watt A... 
does MacBook Pro need a DAC?
If money is an issue, you can get Audirvana for $79.00  It is a vast improvement on the built in DAC.  I have an external DAC in my main system and use a Innuos Roon core, but when I travel I can even hear a huge difference using my MacBook Pro an... 
You could work for any manufacturer, past or present...
Perfect, I am in Illinois where recreational is legal and Master Kush is 86% THC - might not even need the time machine 
You could work for any manufacturer, past or present...
1++++ millercarbonHell, I might just like to hang with Millercarbon