
Responses from dsockel

Good Sound Quality From 10 Inch Records?
Nope.My experience is the material used on those 10" is different from the vinyl from the mid-50s onwards used on LPs.It seems much more brittle and easier to scratch, hence the poorer sound on average. 
Speaker Choice for Almarro 318B
I have the 318B and just ordered a pair of the Hornshoppe Horns (www.hornshoppe.com). The price is $850 delivered from Ed Shilling who makes them.They have gotten good reviews on 6moons and other sites. Srajan at 6moons also thought the Horns and ... 
New Cart? Best all around performer...MM or HO
I am running a Rega P5 with a Dyna 20XH and the Graham Slee Era Gold and am happy with it.The only comment I would have is that my CD player seems to play a little louder than the analog rig. Not necessarily sure why and doesn't make a difference.... 
I want more from my Rega P5
I am running the P5 with a Dynavector 20XH and a Graham Slee Era Gold phono preamp. This is my first vinyl rig, so I have no basis for comparison, but I am happy. I haven't checked out the TT PSU, but am interested in seeing if it significantly im... 
Tubes for Eastern Electric Minimax
I posted this a while ago:Here are my limited thoughts on the tubes I tried:NOS Amperex 6922 PQ Gold Pin US Version White Lettering: Most expensive and the clear winner. Clean, detailed across the spectrum, great soundstage and depthAmperex Bugle ... 
Rega P25 vs VPI Scout
I would have gotten the Scout had I not had 2 young kids. Instead I got the P5 which is a bit cheaper but has a real dustcover. The thought of my Dynavector 20X cart stuck in a glob of playdough was enough for me to leave my purism at the door for... 
Sound Quality of New Blue Note Jazz LP Reissues
I would agree with Mlkiz's observation.I don't think it is limited to those BN reissues's either. The Columbia ones I picked up are thin sounding too. The vinyl was flimsy and thin, I think I could see my turntable platter through the spinning rec... 
battling the pops and clicks
As a newbie getting into vinyl (just picked up a Rega P5 and a Dyna 20XH), I think that all the posting on this site and AA are very misleading regarding how "dead-quiet" everyone's vinyl is after using their RCMs (I also have a VPI 16.5) and spec... 
Good Quality Led Zepplin CD's do they even exist?
$60 at yourmusic.com 
Eastern Electric Minimax CD
Yes. I have had one know for several months and still enjoy it. Tube rolling adds another level above the stock version. 
Best budget $100 - 200 Phono Pre-amp?
Graham Slee Gram Amp 2 Special Edition $199 right now on the 'Gon.Have heard/read very good things about it. Lists for $350 or so. 
Suggestions for Tube CD with 6922's under $1500
I have a Eastern ELectric Minimax and have rolled it with Ameperex 6922 Holland PQs and its sound wonderful. 
Tube cdp's and Tubed Output cdp's
I agree with Sonicbeauty. I am running a tube CDP Eastern Electric Minimax with a Cayin-TA30 and love the results. I would say however that depending on you listening habits and music choices it may or may not be the best for you. I listen to a lo... 
Want to experience tubed CDP?
I would also recommend the Eastern Electric Minimax CDP. I have one. Great reviews on 6moons and Audio Circle. 
AH Njoe Tjoeb 4000 or Consonance cd120 ??
I am running one with my Cayin TA-30 and enjoy it very much.