

Responses from dtc

Chord Hugo ?
Wisnon - your summary does an injustice the overwhelming number of positive comments on the Head HiFi thread. The "thin" and "like my Qute better" comments are rare, maybe 1 per each of those. Remember, this is a $2,400 DAC. A Lampi L5 with DSD is... 
audiophile help needed in CT
At Goodwin's, ask for Paul. He will probably be the most responsive. Jim, the turntable guy, is a great guy. 
VPI Scout running FAST...help?
Good news. Glad it is fixed. As a motor expert, you can now get and install the upgrade motor :) Enjoy the music. 
VPI Scout running FAST...help?
Any update? 
HDTRACKS sample rate
I know little about WMP. But one guess is your output device is now set up for hi rez, maybe because it is set to 16/44 in shared mode and that is limiting you. I would start by calling up Control Panel, Sound and select your output device. Hit Ad... 
Recommendations for CL rated speaker cable
First, you really need CL rated wire in the walls. Other wire would not pass inspection, if they actually look it it. In any case, CL2 and CL3 wire is readily available, so why take a chance. Cl3 takes a higher voltage than CL2. Either will work i... 
VPI Scout running FAST...help?
FYI - I found the 300 rpm motor a significant upgrade. With the 600 rpm, the belt keep slipping and the speed was variable. With the 300 rpm with the larger pulley, the speed really locked in. Not everyone agrees, but I found it a real improvement... 
VPI Scout running FAST...help?
Changing the pulley is trivial. There is a small hex set screw at the base of the pulley. You just need the right size, readily available at a hardware store if you do not have one. Take a look and you will see the set screw.I remember a similar t... 
VPI Scout running FAST...help?
For reference, with the 600 rpm motor, I was at the very top of the pulley to get 33.3. When I changed to the 300 rpm motor I got much better speed control.The 600 rpm motor uses a pretty small pulley. The 300 rpm motor uses a significantly larger... 
Connecting Cable Box to Preamp
No expert, but I think the satellite signals are worse. The cable music is fine for background music. Do you have RCA outputs? If so, spend $15 and get the Monoprice RCA to XLR cables and give it a listen. A little more detail on your box and prov... 
Connecting Cable Box to Preamp
The quality of the signal over a cable box is usually pretty low, like 96 or 192 kbps. Assuming the cable box has RCA outs, I doubt that getting a separate DAC will provide much better sound than the DAC in the cable box. If the box has RCA outs, ... 
What's a good alternative to Pass Labs?
I would also look at your pre-amp. The Classe is an extremely flexible and high quality pre. I had a earlier Classe CP-65, the top of the line before the Delta series, and,as much as I liked it, it did have some edgy forwardness in the treble. I r... 
Here is the response from Audiogon Support. Sounds like they have taken some steps but are still working on it.At this time:1. We are patching all of our encrypted resources right now2. We have already taken steps to prevent exploitation of this v... 
I emailed Audiogon support yesterday and asked them about this issue. When I saw this thread I sent them a link to it. Let's see how they respond. 
Computer for music only?
Lewinskih01 - some people hear big differences from various optimizers, some do not. It seems to depend on a lot of factors. I can find a large number of people who report little or no improvement for the various programs that shut down lots of pr...