Responses from dudleydog63
"Burn in" Are you serious? Brulee: There is no physical explanation for why most categories of audio equipment would behave in the manner you and others describe. (Though there is a lot of pseudo-scientific mumbo-jumbo about "protons and electrons aligning" and such.) But t... | |
"Burn in" Are you serious? Craig, et al.: Anyone who's convinced that he has developed his hearing beyond that of mere mortals is not going to be convinced by an appeal to scientific evidence. But anyone who maintains an open mind on the subject should get himself down to h... | |
"Burn in" Are you serious? Sorry, guys, but the laws of nature apply to "somewhat experienced audiophiles" just as much as they do to everyone else. It is quite common to hear changes in the sound of an audio system over time. But there is no way for you to know whether tha... | |
"Burn in" Are you serious? Craig: In my dictionary, a statement is incontrovertible if its truth cannot be disproven. Just because some people deny a truth doesn't make it untrue. You are welcome to prove me wrong. But note that I while I think burn-in is a myth, that's not... | |
"Burn in" Are you serious? Joe C.: It has nothing to do with your room. Burn-in is popular with dealers (and some manfuacturers, though certainly not all) because it gives them a way to talk customers out of returning things. It's popular with many audiophiles because it fe... | |
"The Audio Critic" B.S. or what? John_l: Vehement and dogmatic Aczel certainly is, and the "Lies" article was Peter at his worst. He was trying to cover a lot of ground in very little space, and wound up with a summary, rather than an argument. But judging a magazine by your agre... | |
"The Audio Critic" B.S. or what? Trelja: For one thing, there are lots of reasons besides the sound to choose one component over another. For another, many audiophiles attempt to judge the sound of a component in a way that allows factors other than the sound to intrude on their ... | |
"The Audio Critic" B.S. or what? There seems to be some confusion here between "deciding what you like" and stating that one thing sounds better (or different) than another. If all you're about is "deciding what you like," you can go about that any way you wish--sighted, blind, s... | |
"The Audio Critic" B.S. or what? Eldragon: Subscriptions ($24/4 issues) can be ordered from PO Box 978, Quakertown, PA 18951. | |
"The Audio Critic" B.S. or what? Waldhorner: You've set up a distinction between measurement and what you call "ears-only testing" that I think is misleading. TAC does do measurements (as does Stereophile), but it also does "ears-only testing." What it doesn't do (and what S-pile... | |
"The Audio Critic" B.S. or what? TAC doesn't have a Web site, but any search engine will turn up plenty of reviews posted by manufacturers (obviously only the positive ones, of which there are fewer than for other mags). Note: reviews from the 70s and early 80s pre-date TAC's emb... | |
"The Audio Critic" B.S. or what? The Audio Critic, in its current incarnation, is the foremost proponent of the notion that high-end audio is subject to the laws of psychoacoustics, a branch of psychology that studies auditory perception. The most basic principle here is that sig... | |
Most Honest Audio Magazine? Gee, nobody mentioned The Audio Critic! | |
Neophite needing advice It would not be unreasonable to devote half your budget to speakers, since you'll get the most dramatic improvement as you move up in price. Tuners can vary a lot too, and are very sensitive to location, so be sure to test at home. Forgive me for ... | |
Burn-in time Vs. Getting used to a sound If components really changed over time, we would expect them to get better about as often as they got worse. The fact that almost all reports of this phenomenon involve an improvement suggests that something else is going on. And the most likely s... |